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large-scale demand

  • 1 large-scale demand

    Politics english-russian dictionary > large-scale demand

  • 2 demand

    1. n
    1) требование; настоятельная просьба
    2) потребность; нужда

    to abandon one's demand — отказываться от своего требования

    to accede to smb's demand — соглашаться с чьим-л. требованием

    to accept smb's demand — принимать чье-л. требование

    to advance one's demands — выдвигать / предъявлять требования

    to agree to smb's demand — соглашаться с чьим-л. требованием

    to back down from one's demands — отходить от своих требований

    to bow to smb's demands — уступать чьим-л. требованиям

    to comply with smb's demands — удовлетворять / выполнять чьи-л. требования

    to concede to smb's demands — уступать чьим-л. требованиям

    to consider smb's demands — рассматривать чьи-л. требования

    to curb smb's demand for smthограничивать чей-л. спрос на что-л.

    to depress demand — понижать / сдерживать спрос

    to dismiss smb's demands — отклонять / отвергать чьи-л. требования

    to drop one's demand — отказываться от своего требования

    to fall short of smb's demand for smthне удовлетворить чьи-л. требования в отношении чего-л.

    to fulfil smb's demands — удовлетворять / выполнять чьи-л. требования

    to give in / way to smb's demands — уступать чьим-л. требованиям

    to go halfway to meet smb's demands — идти навстречу в деле удовлетворения чьих-л. требований

    to grant smb's demands — удовлетворять / выполнять чьи-л. требования

    to ignore smb's demands — игнорировать чьи-л. требования

    to lay down one's demands — предъявлять свои требования

    to limit demand — сдерживать / ограничивать спрос

    to meet smb's demands — удовлетворять чьи-л. требования

    to oppose smb's demands — выступать против чьих-л. требований; противиться чьим-л. требованиям

    to place heavy demands on smbпредъявлять кому-л. трудновыполнимые требования

    to present one's demands — предъявлять свои требования

    to press one's demands for smth too far — заходить слишком далеко в своих требованиях чего-л.

    to pull back from one's original demand — отходить от своего первоначального требования

    to pursue one's demands — добиваться выполнения своих требований

    to put forward / forth one's demands — выдвигать / предъявлять требования

    to reduce demand — понижать / сдерживать спрос

    to reject smb's demands — отклонять / отвергать чьи-л. требования

    to relax one's demands on smthумерить свои требования по какому-л. вопросу

    to respond to smb's demands — откликаться / реагировать на чьи-л. требования

    to restrain demand — сдерживать / ограничивать спрос

    to retreat from one's demand — отказываться от своего требования

    to satisfy smb's demands — удовлетворять чьи-л. требования

    to shelve one's demands — отменять свои требования

    to soften one's demands — смягчать свои требования

    to squeeze down demand through higher interest rates — сдерживать / ограничивать спрос через повышение процента на вклады

    to stand by one's demand — настаивать на своем требовании

    to step up one's demands — усиливать свои требования

    to stick to one's demands — настаивать на своих требованиях

    to stiffen one's demands — ужесточать свои требования

    to strive for one's demands — добиваться выполнения своих требований

    to supply smb's demands — удовлетворять чьи-л. требования

    to support smb's demands — поддерживать чьи-л. требования

    to surrender to smb's demands — уступать чьим-л. требованиям

    to turn down smb's demands — отклонять / отвергать чьи-л. требования

    to win one's demands — добиваться принятия своих требований

    to win recognition for one's demands — добиваться признания своих требований

    to yield to smb's demands — уступать чьим-л. требованиям

    - according to the demands
    - active demand
    - barrage of noisy demands
    - brisk demand
    - consumer demand
    - declining demand
    - demand falls off
    - demand is exceeding the supply
    - demand no longer stands
    - demands for greater economic and cultural autonomy
    - demands for higher pay and better working conditions
    - demands for smb's resignation
    - devolutionary demands
    - domestic demand
    - drop in demand
    - economic demands
    - effective demand
    - excessive demands
    - expansion of demand
    - external demand
    - extra demand
    - extradition demand
    - fall in demand
    - fixed demand
    - food demand
    - general democratic demands
    - global slump in gold demand
    - great demand
    - growing demand
    - home demand
    - illegitimate demands
    - import demand
    - in response to demands by smb
    - individual demand
    - internal demand
    - job demand
    - just demands
    - justified demands
    - key demand
    - labor demand
    - large-scale demand
    - legitimate demands
    - long-standing demands
    - major demand
    - market demand
    - massive demands
    - maximum demand
    - nation-wide demands
    - overall demand
    - pattern of demand
    - pay demands
    - peak demand
    - pent-up demand
    - political demands
    - poor demand
    - potential demand
    - public demand
    - radical demands
    - reasonable demand
    - relation between demand and supply
    - rightful demands
    - rising demand
    - scanty demand
    - secessionist demands
    - slack demand
    - sluggish demand
    - social and economic demands
    - social demand
    - specific demands
    - stable demand
    - state demand
    - stationary demand
    - steady demand
    - strong demand
    - totally unacceptable demands
    - unlawful demands
    - urgent demands
    - vital demands
    - wage demands
    - world demand for smth
    2. v
    требовать; предъявлять требования; настоятельно просить

    Politics english-russian dictionary > demand

  • 3 scale

    I noun
    1) (of fish, reptile) Schuppe, die
    2) no pl. (deposit) (in kettles, boilers, etc.) Kesselstein, der; (on teeth) Zahnstein, der
    II noun
    1) in sing. or pl. (weighing instrument)

    scale[s] — Waage, die

    a pair or set of scales — eine Waage

    bathroom/kitchen scale[s] — Personen-/Küchenwaage, die

    the scales are evenly balanced(fig.) die Chancen sind ausgewogen

    2) (dish of balance) Waagschale, die

    tip or turn the scale[s] — (fig.) den Ausschlag geben

    III 1. noun
    1) (series of degrees) Skala, die
    2) (Mus.) Tonleiter, die
    3) (dimensions) Ausmaß, das

    on a grand scaleim großen Stil

    plan on a large scalein großem Rahmen planen

    on an international scale — auf internationaler Ebene; [Katastrophe] von internationalem Außmaß

    4) (ratio of reduction) Maßstab, der; attrib. maßstab[s]gerecht [Modell, Zeichnung]

    a map with a scale of 1: 250,000 — eine Karte im Maßstab 1: 250 000

    to scale — maßstab[s]gerecht

    5) (indication) (on map, plan) Maßstab, der; (on thermometer, ruler, exposure meter) [Anzeige]skala, die; (instrument) Messstab, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (climb, clamber up) ersteigen [Festung, Mauer, Leiter, Gipfel]; erklettern [Felswand, Leiter, Gipfel]
    2) [ab]stufen, staffeln [Fahrpreise]; maßstab[s]gerecht anfertigen [Zeichnung]

    scale production to demanddie Produktion an die Nachfrage anpassen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/91220/scale_down">scale down
    * * *
    I [skeil] noun
    1) (a set of regularly spaced marks made on something (eg a thermometer or a ruler) for use as a measure; a system of numbers, measurement etc: This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and one in Centigrade.) die Skala
    2) (a series or system of items of increasing or decreasing size, value etc: a wage/salary scale.) der Tarif
    3) (in music, a group of notes going up or down in order: The boy practised his scales on the piano.) die Tonleiter
    4) (the size of measurements on a map etc compared with the real size of the country etc shown by it: In a map drawn to the scale 1:50,000, one centimetre represents half a kilometre.) der Maßstab
    5) (the size of an activity: These guns are being manufactured on a large scale.) der Umfang
    II [skeil] verb
    (to climb (a ladder, cliff etc): The prisoner scaled the prison walls and escaped.) erklimmen
    III [skeil] noun
    (any of the small thin plates or flakes that cover the skin of fishes, reptiles etc: A herring's scales are silver in colour.) die Schuppe
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (on skin) Schuppe f
    2. no pl (mineral coating) Ablagerung f
    3. ( spec: dental plaque) Zahnstein m kein pl
    the \scales fall from sb's eyes ( liter) es fällt jdm wie Schuppen von den Augen
    II. vt
    1. (remove scales)
    to \scale a fish einen Fisch abschuppen
    2. (remove tartar)
    to \scale teeth Zahnstein entfernen
    III. vi skin sich akk schuppen; paint abblättern
    1. usu pl (weighing device) Waage f
    bathroom/kitchen/letter \scale Personen-/Küchen-/Briefwaage f
    a pair of \scales ( form) eine [Balken]waage
    to tip [or turn] the \scales [at sth] [etw] auf die Waage bringen
    he tipped the \scale at 210 pounds er wog 210 Pfund
    to tip the \scales ( fig) den [entscheidenden] Ausschlag geben
    the \scales pl Waage f kein pl
    to throw sth into the \scale etw in die Waagschale werfen
    I. n
    1. (system of gradation) Skala f; (of map) Maßstab m
    how would you rate his work on a \scale of 1 to 5? wie würden Sie seine Arbeit auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 beurteilen?
    what \scale is this map? welchen Maßstab hat diese Karte?
    \scale of charges Taxe f
    \scale of fees Gebührenstaffel f
    \scale division Skalenteilung f
    \scale of values Wert[e]skala f
    a sliding \scale ECON eine Gleitskala
    remuneration is on a sliding \scale die Bezahlung ist gestaffelt
    to be in [or to] \scale building, drawing maßstab[s]getreu [o maßstab[s]gerecht] sein
    to build/draw sth to \scale etw maßstab[s]getreu [o maßstab[s]gerecht] bauen/zeichnen
    3. (relative degree) Umfang m; (extent) profits, losses Höhe f
    on a national \scale auf nationaler Ebene
    on a large/small \scale im großen/kleinen Rahmen
    4. no pl (size) Ausmaß nt
    advantages of \scale ECON bedeutende Vorteile
    5. MUS Tonleiter f
    to play/practise \scales Tonleitern spielen/üben
    II. vt
    to \scale sth
    1. (climb) etw erklimmen geh
    to \scale a fence auf einen Zaun klettern
    to \scale a mountain einen Berg besteigen; ( fig)
    she has already \scaled the heights of her profession sie hat bereits den Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere erreicht
    2. TECH, ARCHIT etw maßstab[s]getreu zeichnen; (make) etw maßstab[s]getreu anfertigen
    3. SCI (order in system of graduation) concepts, findings etw skalieren
    * * *
    I [skeɪl]
    1. n
    (of fish, snake, skin) Schuppe f; (of rust) Flocke f; (of paint) Plättchen nt; (= kettle scale) Kesselstein m no pl
    2. vt
    1) fish (ab)schuppen
    3. vi
    sich schuppen; (paint, rust) abblättern II
    1. n

    scale (form)Waage f

    2. vi
    wiegen III
    1) Skala f; (on thermometer etc) Skala f, Gradeinteilung f; (on ruler) (Maß)einteilung f; (fig) Leiter f; (= social scale) Stufenleiter f; (= list, table) Tabelle f
    2) (= instrument) Messgerät nt
    3) (MUS) Tonleiter f
    4) (of map etc) Maßstab m

    what is the scale? — welchen Maßstab hat es?, in welchem Maßstab ist es?

    (drawn/true) to scale — maßstabgerecht

    5) (fig: size, extent) Umfang m, Ausmaß nt

    to entertain on a large/small scale — Feste im größeren/im kleineren Rahmen geben

    inflation on an unprecedented scale —

    small/large in scale — von kleinem/großem Umfang

    it's similar but on a smaller scale — es ist ähnlich, nur kleiner

    mountain, wall erklettern
    * * *
    scale1 [skeıl]
    A s
    1. ZOOL Schuppe f, koll Schuppen pl
    2. MED Schuppe f:
    the scales fell from my eyes fig es fiel mir wie Schuppen von den Augen;
    remove the scales from sb’s eyes fig jemandem die Augen öffnen
    3. BOT
    a) Schuppenblatt n
    b) (Erbsen- etc) Hülse f, Schale f
    4. (Messer) Schale f
    5. ZOOL Schildlaus f
    6. Ablagerung f, besonders
    a) Kesselstein m
    b) MED Zahnstein m:
    form scale C 2
    7. auch pl METALL Zunder m: iron scale
    B v/t
    a) einen Fisch (ab)schuppen,
    b) eine Schicht etc ablösen, (ab)schälen, (ab)häuten:
    scale almonds Mandeln schälen
    2. a) abklopfen, den Kesselstein entfernen aus
    b) Zähne vom Zahnstein befreien
    3. eine Kruste oder Kesselstein ansetzen in (dat) oder an (dat)
    4. METALL ausglühen
    C v/i
    1. auch scale off sich (ab)schuppen oder lösen, abschilfern, abblättern
    2. Kessel- oder Zahnstein ansetzen
    scale2 [skeıl]
    A s
    1. Waagschale f (auch fig):
    the scales pl of Justice die Waage der Justitia oder Gerechtigkeit;
    hold the scales even gerecht urteilen;
    turn ( oder tip) the scales fig den Ausschlag geben (in favo[u]r of für; against gegen);
    turn ( oder tip) the scales at 100 lbs 100 Pfund wiegen oder auf die Waage bringen;
    weight the scales in sb’s favo(u)r jemandem einen (unerlaubten) Vorteil verschaffen
    2. meist pl Waage f:
    a pair of scales eine Waage;
    go to scale SPORT gewogen werden (Boxer, Jockey);
    go to scale at 120 lbs 120 Pfund wiegen oder auf die Waage bringen
    3. Scales pl ASTROL Waage f (Tierkreiszeichen)
    B v/t
    1. wiegen
    2. umg (ab-, aus)wiegen
    C v/i SPORT gewogen werden:
    scale in (out) vor (nach) dem Rennen gewogen werden (Jockey)
    scale3 [skeıl]
    A s
    1. a) Stufenleiter f, Staff(e)lung f
    b) Skala f, Tarif m:
    scale of fees Gebührenordnung f;
    scale of salaries Gehaltsstaffelung;
    scale of wages Lohnskala, -tabelle f
    2. Stufe f (auf einer Skala, Stufenleiter etc, auch fig):
    sink in the scale im Niveau sinken
    3. PHYS, TECH Skala f:
    scale division Gradeinteilung f;
    scale line Teilstrich m einer Skala
    a) Maßstab(sangabe) m(f)
    b) logarithmischer Rechenstab:
    in ( oder to) scale maßstab(s)getreu oder -gerecht;
    out of scale nicht maßstab(s)getreu oder -gerecht;
    at a scale of 1 inch to 1 mile im Maßstab 1 Inch:1 Meile;
    drawn to a scale of 1:5 im Maßstab 1:5 gezeichnet;
    scale model maßstab(s)getreues Modell; reduce A 14
    5. fig Maßstab m, Größenordnung f, Umfang m:
    on a large scale in großem Umfang, großen Stils;
    on a modest scale bescheiden, in bescheidenem Rahmen
    6. MATH (numerische) Zahlenreihe
    7. MUS
    a) Tonleiter f, Skala f
    b) Tonumfang m (eines Instruments)
    c) (Orgelpfeifen)Mensur f:
    run over ( oder learn) one’s scales Tonleitern üben
    8. SCHULE, PSYCH Test(stufen)reihe f
    9. on a scale (Börse) zu verschiedenen Kurswerten:
    buy on a scale seine Käufe über eine Baisseperiode verteilen;
    sell on a scale seine Verkäufe über eine Hausseperiode verteilen
    10. fig Leiter f, Treppe f ( beide:
    to zu)
    B v/t
    1. erklettern, ersteigen, erklimmen (auch fig)
    a) maßstab(s)getreu zeichnen:
    scale off a length MATH eine Strecke abtragen
    b) maßstäblich ändern:
    scale down (up) maßstab(s)gerecht oder maßstäblich verkleinern (vergrößern)
    3. TECH mit einer Teilung versehen
    4. einstufen:
    scale down Löhne, Forderungen etc herunterschrauben;
    scale up Preise etc hochschrauben
    C v/i (auf einer Skala) klettern (auch fig), steigen:
    scale down fallen;
    scale up steigen, in die Höhe klettern
    sc. abk
    5. scilicet, namely näml.
    * * *
    I noun
    1) (of fish, reptile) Schuppe, die
    2) no pl. (deposit) (in kettles, boilers, etc.) Kesselstein, der; (on teeth) Zahnstein, der
    II noun
    1) in sing. or pl. (weighing instrument)

    scale[s] — Waage, die

    a pair or set of scales — eine Waage

    bathroom/kitchen scale[s] — Personen-/Küchenwaage, die

    the scales are evenly balanced(fig.) die Chancen sind ausgewogen

    2) (dish of balance) Waagschale, die

    tip or turn the scale[s] — (fig.) den Ausschlag geben

    III 1. noun
    1) (series of degrees) Skala, die
    2) (Mus.) Tonleiter, die
    3) (dimensions) Ausmaß, das

    on an international scale — auf internationaler Ebene; [Katastrophe] von internationalem Außmaß

    4) (ratio of reduction) Maßstab, der; attrib. maßstab[s]gerecht [Modell, Zeichnung]

    a map with a scale of 1: 250,000 — eine Karte im Maßstab 1: 250 000

    to scale — maßstab[s]gerecht

    5) (indication) (on map, plan) Maßstab, der; (on thermometer, ruler, exposure meter) [Anzeige]skala, die; (instrument) Messstab, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (climb, clamber up) ersteigen [Festung, Mauer, Leiter, Gipfel]; erklettern [Felswand, Leiter, Gipfel]
    2) [ab]stufen, staffeln [Fahrpreise]; maßstab[s]gerecht anfertigen [Zeichnung]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (music) n.
    Tonleiter m. n.
    Kesselstein m.
    Maßstab -¨e m.
    Skala Skalen f.
    Skalierung f. v.
    erklettern v.
    ersteigen v.

    English-german dictionary > scale

  • 4 широкая потребность

    Русско-английский политический словарь > широкая потребность

  • 5 a

    1 to.
    voy a Madrid I'm going to Madrid
    me voy al extranjero I'm going abroad
    llegó a Buenos Aires/a la fiesta he arrived in Buenos Aires/at the party
    2 at (moment).
    a las siete at seven o'clock
    a los once años at the age of eleven
    al caer la noche at nightfall
    al oír la noticia se desmayó on hearing the news, she fainted
    Llegué al amanecer I arrived at dawn.
    3 per, every (frecuency).
    40 horas a la semana 40 hours per o a week
    tres veces al día three times a day
    4 to.
    dáselo a Ricardo give it to Ricardo
    dile a Ricardo que venga tell Ricardo to come
    5 to.
    entró a pagar he came in to pay
    aprender a nadar to learn to swim
    6 by, about to, for.
    * * *
    A, a
    nombre femenino (pl as o aes)
    1 (la letra) A, a
    1 ( Alteza) Highness; (abreviatura) H
    1 ( autopista) motorway; (abreviatura) M
    1 ( amperio) ampere, amp; (símbolo) A
    * * *
    1) to
    2) into
    3) in
    4) at
    5) on
    6) with
    * * *
    SF = a (=letra) A, a
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.
    Ex. The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.
    Ex. Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    [b]* a últ
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.

    Ex: The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.

    Ex: Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la mano de = available at the fingertips of.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    * a últ

    * * *
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.
    No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan como quien, alguien, etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, pasear al perro = to walk the dog.
    En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.
    A (en relaciones de espacio, lugar)
    voy a México/a la fiesta I'm going to Mexico/to the party
    voy a casa I'm going home
    dobla a la derecha turn right
    se cayó al río she fell into the river
    estaban sentados a la mesa they were sitting at the table
    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down to the right of me o on my right
    a la vuelta de la esquina around the corner
    queda al norte de Toledo it's (to the) north of Toledo
    (indicando distancia): está a diez kilómetros de aquí it's ten kilometers from here, it's ten kilometers away
    está a unos 20 minutos de aquí it takes o it's about 20 minutes from here, it's a 20 minute drive ( o walk etc) from here
    1 (señalando hora, momento, fecha) at
    abren a las ocho they open at eight o'clock
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?
    a eso de las dos at around o about two o'clock
    a mediados de abril in mid-April
    hoy estamos a 20 it's the 20th today
    al día siguiente the next o following day
    empezó a hablar a los diez meses he started talking when he was ten months old o at ten months
    llegó a la mañana/noche ( RPl); he arrived in the morning/at night
    2 al + INF:
    se cayó al bajar del autobús she fell as she was getting off the bus
    al verlo me di cuenta de que ya no lo quería when I saw him o on seeing him, I realized that I no longer loved him
    al salir de la estación torcí a la izquierda I turned left out of the station
    (indicando distancia en el tiempo): a escasos minutos de su llegada (después) just a few minutes after she arrived; (antes) just a few minutes before she arrived
    trabajan de lunes a viernes/de una a cinco they work (from) Monday to Friday/from one to five
    a los diez minutos del primer tiempo ten minutes into the first half o after ten minutes of the first half
    estaré en París de martes a jueves I'll be in Paris from Tuesday until Thursday, I'll be in Paris Tuesday through Thursday ( AmE)
    (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia): tres veces al día/a la semana three times a day/a week
    sale a 2.000 euros por cabeza it works out at 2,000 euros per person
    iban a 100 kilómetros por hora they were going (at) 100 kilometers per hour
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us by five points to three, they beat us five three o ( AmE) five to three
    (indicando modo, estilo): fuimos a pie/a caballo we walked/rode, we went on foot/on horseback
    pollo al horno/a la brasa roast/barbecued chicken
    un peinado a lo Rodolfo Valentino a Rudolph Valentino hairstyle
    a crédito on credit
    ilustraciones a todo color full-color illustrations
    una tela a rayas a piece of striped material
    (introduciendo el complemento directo de persona): ¿viste a José? did you see José?
    la policía está buscando al asesino the police are looking for the murderer
    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud
    busca una secretaria bilingüe he's looking for a bilingual secretary
    (introduciendo el complemento indirecto): le escribió una carta a su padre he wrote a letter to his father, he wrote his father a letter
    dáselo/dáselos a ella give it/them to her
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English
    suave al tacto soft to the touch
    agradable al oído pleasing to the ear
    (indicando procedencia): se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o ( colloq) off a gipsy
    enséñale a nadar teach him to swim
    fue a preguntar he went to ask
    a que + SUBJ:
    los instó a que participaran he urged them to take part
    voy a ir a que me hagan un chequeo I'm going to go and have a checkup
    2 ( fam)
    (para): ¿a qué tanta ceremonia? what's all the fuss for?
    ¿a qué le fuiste a decir eso? what did you go and tell him that for?
    a por ( Esp fam): bajo a por pan I'm going down to get some bread o for some bread ( colloq)
    ¿quién va a ir a por los niños? who's going to fetch o get the children?
    ¡a por ello! go for it!
    los puntos a tratar en la reunión de mañana the points to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting
    es una idea a tener en cuenta it's an idea to bear in mind o that should be borne in mind
    total a pagar total payable
    horario a convenir hours to be arranged
    (en órdenes): ¡a la cama, niños! off to bed, children!
    ¡a callar! shut up! ( colloq)
    vamos ¡a trabajar! come on, let's get some work done!
    a decir verdad to tell you the truth
    a juzgar por lo que tú dices judging from what you say
    3 ( fam)
    (en cuanto a): a tozudo no hay quien le gane when it comes to being stubborn there's nobody like him
    (indicando causa): a petición del interesado ( frml); at the request of the interested party
    al + INF:
    al no saber idiomas está en desventaja as he doesn't speak any languages he is at a disadvantage, he's at a disadvantage not speaking any languages
    (expresando desafío): ¿a que no sabes qué nota me puso? you'll never guess what mark she gave me!
    tú no te atreverías — ¿a que sí? you wouldn't dare — do you want to o a bet? ( colloq)
    ¡a que no puedes! bet you can't! ( colloq)
    * * *

    Multiple Entries:
    a sustantivo femenino (pl aes) (read as /a/) the letter A, a

    a preposición Nota:
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan, como quien, alguien, algún etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, paseo a mi perro = I walk my dog.En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.

    voy a México/la tienda I'm going to Mexico/to the shop;

    voy a casa I'm going home;
    se cayó al río she fell into the river

    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro;
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun;
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down on my right

    a) (señalando hora, momento) at;

    a la hora de comer at lunch time;
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?;
    a mediados de abril in mid-April;
    al día siguiente the next o following day

    hoy estamos a lunes/a 20 today is Monday/it's the 20th today

    c) al + inf:

    al enterarse de la noticia when he learnt o on learning the news

    ( antes) a few minutes before she arrived;

    3 (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia):

    sale a 100 euros cada uno it works out at 100 euros each;
    a 100 kilómetros por hora (at) 100 kilometers per hour;
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us five three o (AmE) five to three
    4 (indicando modo, medio, estilo):
    a pie/a caballo on foot/on horseback;

    a crédito on credit;
    funciona a pilas it runs on batteries;
    a mano by hand;
    a rayas striped;
    vestirse a lo punk to wear punk clothes

    ¿viste a José? did you see José?;

    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud

    dáselo a ella give it to her;
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English;
    le echó (la) llave a la puerta she locked the door

    se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o (colloq) off a gipsy

    A, a f (letra) A
    'A' also found in these entries:
    a. C.
    - a.m.
    - abajeña
    - abajeño
    - abanderada
    - abanderado
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abanico
    - abarquillada
    - abarquillado
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatida
    - abatido
    - abatirse
    - abdicar
    - aberración
    - abertura
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abigarrada
    - abigarrado
    - abigarrar
    - ablandar
    - ablusada
    - ablusado
    - abnegada
    - abnegado
    - abobada
    - abobado
    - abocada
    - abocado
    - abogacía
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abombada
    - abombado
    - abonar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abonarse
    - abono
    - abordar
    - abordaje
    - aborregar
    - abortar
    - abortiva
    - A-level
    - a.m.
    - abandon
    - abandoned
    - abide by
    - ability
    - abject
    - abnormal
    - aboard
    - aborigine
    - abortion
    - abortive
    - about
    - above
    - above-board
    - above-mentioned
    - abrasive
    - abreast
    - abridged
    - abrupt
    - absent
    - absent-minded
    - absolute
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstemious
    - abstract
    - absurd
    - abundant
    - abuse
    - abusive
    - abysmal
    - academic
    - academy
    - accede
    - accent
    - acceptable
    - access
    - accident-prone
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - acclimatized
    - accommodate
    - accommodation
    - accomplish
    - accomplished
    - account
    - account for
    - accountable
    * * *
    1. (abrev de autopista) Br M, US freeway
    2. (abrev de alfil) [en notación de ajedrez] B
    A, a [a] nf
    [letra] A, a;
    si por a o por be… if for any reason…
    * * *
    al este de to the east of;
    a casa home;
    ir a la cama/al cine go to bed/to the movies;
    ¡a trabajar! get to work!;
    vamos a Buenos Aires we’re going to Buenos Aires;
    voy a casa de Marta I’m going to Marta’s (house)
    a la mesa at the table;
    al lado de next to;
    a la derecha on the right;
    al sol in the sun;
    a treinta kilómetros de Cuzco thirty kilometers from Cuzco;
    está a cinco kilómetros it’s five kilometers away
    ¿a qué hora llegas? what time do you arrive?;
    a las tres at three o’clock;
    de once a doce from eleven (o’clock) to twelve;
    estamos a quince de febrero it’s February fifteenth;
    a los treinta años at the age of thirty;
    a la llegada del tren when the train arrives
    a la española the Spanish way;
    a mano by hand;
    a pie on foot;
    a 50 kilómetros por hora at fifty kilometers an hour
    ¿a cómo o
    cuánto está? how much is it?;
    están a dos pesos el kilo they are two pesos a kilo
    dáselo a tu hermano give it to your brother
    vi a mi padre I saw my father
    empezar a begin to;
    jugar a las cartas play cards;
    decidirse a hacer algo decide to do sth;
    voy a comprarlo I’m going to buy it;
    a decir verdad to tell the truth
    ¿a que no lo sabes? I bet you don’t know;
    a ver OK, right;
    a ver lo que pasa ahora let’s see what happens now
    abr (= alias) aka (= also known as)
    * * *
    a nf
    : first letter of the Spanish alphabet
    a prep
    1) : to
    nos vamos a México: we're going to Mexico
    ¿llamaste a tu papá?: did you call your dad?
    como a usted le guste: as you wish
    3) : in the manner of
    papas a la francesa: french fries
    4) : on, by means of
    a pie: on foot
    5) : per, each
    tres pastillas al día: three pills per day
    enséñales a leer: teach them to read
    problemas a resolver: problems to be solved
    * * *
    a prep
    3. (distancia) away
    está a un kilómetro de aquí it's one kilometre from here / it's one kilometre away
    4. (tiempo) at
    5. (distribución, cantidad, medida, precio) a / at
    tocamos a 1.000 cada uno it works out at 1,000 each
    fui a pie I walked / I went on foot
    hecho a mano handmade / made by hand
    ¿has visto a Iván? have you seen Iván?
    9. (para) for
    10. (de) from

    Spanish-English dictionary > a

  • 6 модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    1. modular data center


    модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    [ http://loosebolts.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/our-vision-for-generation-4-modular-data-centers-one-way-of-getting-it-just-right/]

    [ http://dcnt.ru/?p=9299#more-9299]

    Data Centers are a hot topic these days. No matter where you look, this once obscure aspect of infrastructure is getting a lot of attention. For years, there have been cost pressures on IT operations and this, when the need for modern capacity is greater than ever, has thrust data centers into the spotlight. Server and rack density continues to rise, placing DC professionals and businesses in tighter and tougher situations while they struggle to manage their IT environments. And now hyper-scale cloud infrastructure is taking traditional technologies to limits never explored before and focusing the imagination of the IT industry on new possibilities.

    В настоящее время центры обработки данных являются широко обсуждаемой темой. Куда ни посмотришь, этот некогда малоизвестный аспект инфраструктуры привлекает все больше внимания. Годами ИТ-отделы испытывали нехватку средств и это выдвинуло ЦОДы в центр внимания, в то время, когда необходимость в современных ЦОДах стала как никогда высокой. Плотность серверов и стоек продолжают расти, все больше усложняя ситуацию для специалистов в области охлаждения и организаций в их попытках управлять своими ИТ-средами. И теперь гипермасштабируемая облачная инфраструктура подвергает традиционные технологии невиданным ранее нагрузкам, и заставляет ИТ-индустрию искать новые возможности.

    At Microsoft, we have focused a lot of thought and research around how to best operate and maintain our global infrastructure and we want to share those learnings. While obviously there are some aspects that we keep to ourselves, we have shared how we operate facilities daily, our technologies and methodologies, and, most importantly, how we monitor and manage our facilities. Whether it’s speaking at industry events, inviting customers to our “Microsoft data center conferences” held in our data centers, or through other media like blogging and white papers, we believe sharing best practices is paramount and will drive the industry forward. So in that vein, we have some interesting news to share.

    В компании MicroSoft уделяют большое внимание изучению наилучших методов эксплуатации и технического обслуживания своей глобальной инфраструктуры и делятся результатами своих исследований. И хотя мы, конечно, не раскрываем некоторые аспекты своих исследований, мы делимся повседневным опытом эксплуатации дата-центров, своими технологиями и методологиями и, что важнее всего, методами контроля и управления своими объектами. Будь то доклады на отраслевых событиях, приглашение клиентов на наши конференции, которые посвящены центрам обработки данных MicroSoft, и проводятся в этих самых дата-центрах, или использование других средств, например, блоги и спецификации, мы уверены, что обмен передовым опытом имеет первостепенное значение и будет продвигать отрасль вперед.

    Today we are sharing our Generation 4 Modular Data Center plan. This is our vision and will be the foundation of our cloud data center infrastructure in the next five years. We believe it is one of the most revolutionary changes to happen to data centers in the last 30 years. Joining me, in writing this blog are Daniel Costello, my director of Data Center Research and Engineering and Christian Belady, principal power and cooling architect. I feel their voices will add significant value to driving understanding around the many benefits included in this new design paradigm.

    Сейчас мы хотим поделиться своим планом модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения. Это наше видение и оно будет основанием для инфраструктуры наших облачных дата-центров в ближайшие пять лет. Мы считаем, что это одно из самых революционных изменений в дата-центрах за последние 30 лет. Вместе со мной в написании этого блога участвовали Дэниел Костелло, директор по исследованиям и инжинирингу дата-центров, и Кристиан Белади, главный архитектор систем энергоснабжения и охлаждения. Мне кажется, что их авторитет придаст больше веса большому количеству преимуществ, включенных в эту новую парадигму проектирования.

    Our “Gen 4” modular data centers will take the flexibility of containerized servers—like those in our Chicago data center—and apply it across the entire facility. So what do we mean by modular? Think of it like “building blocks”, where the data center will be composed of modular units of prefabricated mechanical, electrical, security components, etc., in addition to containerized servers.

    Was there a key driver for the Generation 4 Data Center?

    Наши модульные дата-центры “Gen 4” будут гибкими с контейнерами серверов – как серверы в нашем чикагском дата-центре. И гибкость будет применяться ко всему ЦОД. Итак, что мы подразумеваем под модульностью? Мы думаем о ней как о “строительных блоках”, где дата-центр будет состоять из модульных блоков изготовленных в заводских условиях электрических систем и систем охлаждения, а также систем безопасности и т.п., в дополнение к контейнеризованным серверам.
    Был ли ключевой стимул для разработки дата-центра четвертого поколения?

    If we were to summarize the promise of our Gen 4 design into a single sentence it would be something like this: “A highly modular, scalable, efficient, just-in-time data center capacity program that can be delivered anywhere in the world very quickly and cheaply, while allowing for continued growth as required.” Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, keep in mind that these concepts have been in initial development and prototyping for over a year and are based on cumulative knowledge of previous facility generations and the advances we have made since we began our investments in earnest on this new design.

    Если бы нам нужно было обобщить достоинства нашего проекта Gen 4 в одном предложении, это выглядело бы следующим образом: “Центр обработки данных с высоким уровнем модульности, расширяемости, и энергетической эффективности, а также возможностью постоянного расширения, в случае необходимости, который можно очень быстро и дешево развертывать в любом месте мира”. Звучит слишком хорошо для того чтобы быть правдой, не так ли? Ну, не забывайте, что эти концепции находились в процессе начальной разработки и создания опытного образца в течение более одного года и основываются на опыте, накопленном в ходе развития предыдущих поколений ЦОД, а также успехах, сделанных нами со времени, когда мы начали вкладывать серьезные средства в этот новый проект.

    One of the biggest challenges we’ve had at Microsoft is something Mike likes to call the ‘Goldilock’s Problem’. In a nutshell, the problem can be stated as:

    The worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is not have enough capacity online, thus limiting the growth of our products and services.

    Одну из самых больших проблем, с которыми приходилось сталкиваться Майкрософт, Майк любит называть ‘Проблемой Лютика’. Вкратце, эту проблему можно выразить следующим образом:

    Самое худшее, что может быть при строительстве ЦОД для бизнеса, это не располагать достаточными производственными мощностями, и тем самым ограничивать рост наших продуктов и сервисов.

    The second worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is to have too much capacity online.

    А вторым самым худшим моментом в этой сфере может слишком большое количество производственных мощностей.

    This has led to a focus on smart, intelligent growth for the business — refining our overall demand picture. It can’t be too hot. It can’t be too cold. It has to be ‘Just Right!’ The capital dollars of investment are too large to make without long term planning. As we struggled to master these interesting challenges, we had to ensure that our technological plan also included solutions for the business and operational challenges we faced as well.
    So let’s take a high level look at our Generation 4 design

    Это заставило нас сосредоточиваться на интеллектуальном росте для бизнеса — refining our overall demand picture. Это не должно быть слишком горячим. И это не должно быть слишком холодным. Это должно быть ‘как раз, таким как надо!’ Нельзя делать такие большие капиталовложения без долгосрочного планирования. Пока мы старались решить эти интересные проблемы, мы должны были гарантировать, что наш технологический план будет также включать решения для коммерческих и эксплуатационных проблем, с которыми нам также приходилось сталкиваться.
    Давайте рассмотрим наш проект дата-центра четвертого поколения

    Are you ready for some great visuals? Check out this video at Soapbox. Click here for the Microsoft 4th Gen Video.

    It’s a concept video that came out of my Data Center Research and Engineering team, under Daniel Costello, that will give you a view into what we think is the future.

    From a configuration, construct-ability and time to market perspective, our primary goals and objectives are to modularize the whole data center. Not just the server side (like the Chicago facility), but the mechanical and electrical space as well. This means using the same kind of parts in pre-manufactured modules, the ability to use containers, skids, or rack-based deployments and the ability to tailor the Redundancy and Reliability requirements to the application at a very specific level.

    Посмотрите это видео, перейдите по ссылке для просмотра видео о Microsoft 4th Gen:

    Это концептуальное видео, созданное командой отдела Data Center Research and Engineering, возглавляемого Дэниелом Костелло, которое даст вам наше представление о будущем.

    С точки зрения конфигурации, строительной технологичности и времени вывода на рынок, нашими главными целями и задачами агрегатирование всего дата-центра. Не только серверную часть, как дата-центр в Чикаго, но также системы охлаждения и электрические системы. Это означает применение деталей одного типа в сборных модулях, возможность использования контейнеров, салазок, или стоечных систем, а также возможность подстраивать требования избыточности и надежности для данного приложения на очень специфичном уровне.

    Our goals from a cost perspective were simple in concept but tough to deliver. First and foremost, we had to reduce the capital cost per critical Mega Watt by the class of use. Some applications can run with N-level redundancy in the infrastructure, others require a little more infrastructure for support. These different classes of infrastructure requirements meant that optimizing for all cost classes was paramount. At Microsoft, we are not a one trick pony and have many Online products and services (240+) that require different levels of operational support. We understand that and ensured that we addressed it in our design which will allow us to reduce capital costs by 20%-40% or greater depending upon class.

    Нашими целями в области затрат были концептуально простыми, но трудно реализуемыми. В первую очередь мы должны были снизить капитальные затраты в пересчете на один мегаватт, в зависимости от класса резервирования. Некоторые приложения могут вполне работать на базе инфраструктуры с резервированием на уровне N, то есть без резервирования, а для работы других приложений требуется больше инфраструктуры. Эти разные классы требований инфраструктуры подразумевали, что оптимизация всех классов затрат имеет преобладающее значение. В Майкрософт мы не ограничиваемся одним решением и располагаем большим количеством интерактивных продуктов и сервисов (240+), которым требуются разные уровни эксплуатационной поддержки. Мы понимаем это, и учитываем это в своем проекте, который позволит нам сокращать капитальные затраты на 20%-40% или более в зависимости от класса.

    For example, non-critical or geo redundant applications have low hardware reliability requirements on a location basis. As a result, Gen 4 can be configured to provide stripped down, low-cost infrastructure with little or no redundancy and/or temperature control. Let’s say an Online service team decides that due to the dramatically lower cost, they will simply use uncontrolled outside air with temperatures ranging 10-35 C and 20-80% RH. The reality is we are already spec-ing this for all of our servers today and working with server vendors to broaden that range even further as Gen 4 becomes a reality. For this class of infrastructure, we eliminate generators, chillers, UPSs, and possibly lower costs relative to traditional infrastructure.

    Например, некритичные или гео-избыточные системы имеют низкие требования к аппаратной надежности на основе местоположения. В результате этого, Gen 4 можно конфигурировать для упрощенной, недорогой инфраструктуры с низким уровнем (или вообще без резервирования) резервирования и / или температурного контроля. Скажем, команда интерактивного сервиса решает, что, в связи с намного меньшими затратами, они будут просто использовать некондиционированный наружный воздух с температурой 10-35°C и влажностью 20-80% RH. В реальности мы уже сегодня предъявляем эти требования к своим серверам и работаем с поставщиками серверов над еще большим расширением диапазона температур, так как наш модуль и подход Gen 4 становится реальностью. Для подобного класса инфраструктуры мы удаляем генераторы, чиллеры, ИБП, и, возможно, будем предлагать более низкие затраты, по сравнению с традиционной инфраструктурой.

    Applications that demand higher level of redundancy or temperature control will use configurations of Gen 4 to meet those needs, however, they will also cost more (but still less than traditional data centers). We see this cost difference driving engineering behavioral change in that we predict more applications will drive towards Geo redundancy to lower costs.

    Системы, которым требуется более высокий уровень резервирования или температурного контроля, будут использовать конфигурации Gen 4, отвечающие этим требованиям, однако, они будут также стоить больше. Но все равно они будут стоить меньше, чем традиционные дата-центры. Мы предвидим, что эти различия в затратах будут вызывать изменения в методах инжиниринга, и по нашим прогнозам, это будет выражаться в переходе все большего числа систем на гео-избыточность и меньшие затраты.

    Another cool thing about Gen 4 is that it allows us to deploy capacity when our demand dictates it. Once finalized, we will no longer need to make large upfront investments. Imagine driving capital costs more closely in-line with actual demand, thus greatly reducing time-to-market and adding the capacity Online inherent in the design. Also reduced is the amount of construction labor required to put these “building blocks” together. Since the entire platform requires pre-manufacture of its core components, on-site construction costs are lowered. This allows us to maximize our return on invested capital.

    Еще одно достоинство Gen 4 состоит в том, что он позволяет нам разворачивать дополнительные мощности, когда нам это необходимо. Как только мы закончим проект, нам больше не нужно будет делать большие начальные капиталовложения. Представьте себе возможность более точного согласования капитальных затрат с реальными требованиями, и тем самым значительного снижения времени вывода на рынок и интерактивного добавления мощностей, предусматриваемого проектом. Также снижен объем строительных работ, требуемых для сборки этих “строительных блоков”. Поскольку вся платформа требует предварительного изготовления ее базовых компонентов, затраты на сборку также снижены. Это позволит нам увеличить до максимума окупаемость своих капиталовложений.
    Мы все подвергаем сомнению

    In our design process, we questioned everything. You may notice there is no roof and some might be uncomfortable with this. We explored the need of one and throughout our research we got some surprising (positive) results that showed one wasn’t needed.

    В своем процессе проектирования мы все подвергаем сомнению. Вы, наверное, обратили внимание на отсутствие крыши, и некоторым специалистам это могло не понравиться. Мы изучили необходимость в крыше и в ходе своих исследований получили удивительные результаты, которые показали, что крыша не нужна.
    Серийное производство дата центров

    In short, we are striving to bring Henry Ford’s Model T factory to the data center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford#Model_T. Gen 4 will move data centers from a custom design and build model to a commoditized manufacturing approach. We intend to have our components built in factories and then assemble them in one location (the data center site) very quickly. Think about how a computer, car or plane is built today. Components are manufactured by different companies all over the world to a predefined spec and then integrated in one location based on demands and feature requirements. And just like Henry Ford’s assembly line drove the cost of building and the time-to-market down dramatically for the automobile industry, we expect Gen 4 to do the same for data centers. Everything will be pre-manufactured and assembled on the pad.

    Мы хотим применить модель автомобильной фабрики Генри Форда к дата-центру. Проект Gen 4 будет способствовать переходу от модели специализированного проектирования и строительства к товарно-производственному, серийному подходу. Мы намерены изготавливать свои компоненты на заводах, а затем очень быстро собирать их в одном месте, в месте строительства дата-центра. Подумайте о том, как сегодня изготавливается компьютер, автомобиль или самолет. Компоненты изготавливаются по заранее определенным спецификациям разными компаниями во всем мире, затем собираются в одном месте на основе спроса и требуемых характеристик. И точно так же как сборочный конвейер Генри Форда привел к значительному уменьшению затрат на производство и времени вывода на рынок в автомобильной промышленности, мы надеемся, что Gen 4 сделает то же самое для дата-центров. Все будет предварительно изготавливаться и собираться на месте.
    Невероятно энергоэффективный ЦОД

    And did we mention that this platform will be, overall, incredibly energy efficient? From a total energy perspective not only will we have remarkable PUE values, but the total cost of energy going into the facility will be greatly reduced as well. How much energy goes into making concrete? Will we need as much of it? How much energy goes into the fuel of the construction vehicles? This will also be greatly reduced! A key driver is our goal to achieve an average PUE at or below 1.125 by 2012 across our data centers. More than that, we are on a mission to reduce the overall amount of copper and water used in these facilities. We believe these will be the next areas of industry attention when and if the energy problem is solved. So we are asking today…“how can we build a data center with less building”?

    А мы упоминали, что эта платформа будет, в общем, невероятно энергоэффективной? С точки зрения общей энергии, мы получим не только поразительные значения PUE, но общая стоимость энергии, затраченной на объект будет также значительно снижена. Сколько энергии идет на производство бетона? Нам нужно будет столько энергии? Сколько энергии идет на питание инженерных строительных машин? Это тоже будет значительно снижено! Главным стимулом является достижение среднего PUE не больше 1.125 для всех наших дата-центров к 2012 году. Более того, у нас есть задача сокращения общего количества меди и воды в дата-центрах. Мы думаем, что эти задачи станут следующей заботой отрасли после того как будет решена энергетическая проблема. Итак, сегодня мы спрашиваем себя…“как можно построить дата-центр с меньшим объемом строительных работ”?
    Строительство дата центров без чиллеров

    We have talked openly and publicly about building chiller-less data centers and running our facilities using aggressive outside economization. Our sincerest hope is that Gen 4 will completely eliminate the use of water. Today’s data centers use massive amounts of water and we see water as the next scarce resource and have decided to take a proactive stance on making water conservation part of our plan.

    Мы открыто и публично говорили о строительстве дата-центров без чиллеров и активном использовании в наших центрах обработки данных технологий свободного охлаждения или фрикулинга. Мы искренне надеемся, что Gen 4 позволит полностью отказаться от использования воды. Современные дата-центры расходуют большие объемы воды и так как мы считаем воду следующим редким ресурсом, мы решили принять упреждающие меры и включить экономию воды в свой план.

    By sharing this with the industry, we believe everyone can benefit from our methodology. While this concept and approach may be intimidating (or downright frightening) to some in the industry, disclosure ultimately is better for all of us.

    Делясь этим опытом с отраслью, мы считаем, что каждый сможет извлечь выгоду из нашей методологией. Хотя эта концепция и подход могут показаться пугающими (или откровенно страшными) для некоторых отраслевых специалистов, раскрывая свои планы мы, в конечном счете, делаем лучше для всех нас.

    Gen 4 design (even more than just containers), could reduce the ‘religious’ debates in our industry. With the central spine infrastructure in place, containers or pre-manufactured server halls can be either AC or DC, air-side economized or water-side economized, or not economized at all (though the sanity of that might be questioned). Gen 4 will allow us to decommission, repair and upgrade quickly because everything is modular. No longer will we be governed by the initial decisions made when constructing the facility. We will have almost unlimited use and re-use of the facility and site. We will also be able to use power in an ultra-fluid fashion moving load from critical to non-critical as use and capacity requirements dictate.

    Проект Gen 4 позволит уменьшить ‘религиозные’ споры в нашей отрасли. Располагая базовой инфраструктурой, контейнеры или сборные серверные могут оборудоваться системами переменного или постоянного тока, воздушными или водяными экономайзерами, или вообще не использовать экономайзеры. Хотя можно подвергать сомнению разумность такого решения. Gen 4 позволит нам быстро выполнять работы по выводу из эксплуатации, ремонту и модернизации, поскольку все будет модульным. Мы больше не будем руководствоваться начальными решениями, принятыми во время строительства дата-центра. Мы сможем использовать этот дата-центр и инфраструктуру в течение почти неограниченного периода времени. Мы также сможем применять сверхгибкие методы использования электрической энергии, переводя оборудование в режимы критической или некритической нагрузки в соответствии с требуемой мощностью.
    Gen 4 – это стандартная платформа

    Finally, we believe this is a big game changer. Gen 4 will provide a standard platform that our industry can innovate around. For example, all modules in our Gen 4 will have common interfaces clearly defined by our specs and any vendor that meets these specifications will be able to plug into our infrastructure. Whether you are a computer vendor, UPS vendor, generator vendor, etc., you will be able to plug and play into our infrastructure. This means we can also source anyone, anywhere on the globe to minimize costs and maximize performance. We want to help motivate the industry to further innovate—with innovations from which everyone can reap the benefits.

    Наконец, мы уверены, что это будет фактором, который значительно изменит ситуацию. Gen 4 будет представлять собой стандартную платформу, которую отрасль сможет обновлять. Например, все модули в нашем Gen 4 будут иметь общепринятые интерфейсы, четко определяемые нашими спецификациями, и оборудование любого поставщика, которое отвечает этим спецификациям можно будет включать в нашу инфраструктуру. Независимо от того производите вы компьютеры, ИБП, генераторы и т.п., вы сможете включать свое оборудование нашу инфраструктуру. Это означает, что мы также сможем обеспечивать всех, в любом месте земного шара, тем самым сводя до минимума затраты и максимальной увеличивая производительность. Мы хотим создать в отрасли мотивацию для дальнейших инноваций – инноваций, от которых каждый сможет получать выгоду.
    Главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen4

    To summarize, the key characteristics of our Generation 4 data centers are:

    Plug-and-play spine infrastructure
    Factory pre-assembled: Pre-Assembled Containers (PACs) & Pre-Manufactured Buildings (PMBs)
    Rapid deployment
    Reduce TTM
    Reduced construction
    Sustainable measures

    Ниже приведены главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen 4:

    Готовая к использованию базовая инфраструктура;
    Изготовление в заводских условиях: сборные контейнеры (PAC) и сборные здания (PMB);
    Быстрота развертывания;
    Возможность демонтажа;
    Снижение времени вывода на рынок (TTM);
    Сокращение сроков строительства;

    Map applications to DC Class

    We hope you join us on this incredible journey of change and innovation!

    Long hours of research and engineering time are invested into this process. There are still some long days and nights ahead, but the vision is clear. Rest assured however, that we as refine Generation 4, the team will soon be looking to Generation 5 (even if it is a bit farther out). There is always room to get better.

    Использование систем электропитания постоянного тока.

    Мы надеемся, что вы присоединитесь к нам в этом невероятном путешествии по миру изменений и инноваций!

    На этот проект уже потрачены долгие часы исследований и проектирования. И еще предстоит потратить много дней и ночей, но мы имеем четкое представление о конечной цели. Однако будьте уверены, что как только мы доведем до конца проект модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения, мы вскоре начнем думать о проекте дата-центра пятого поколения. Всегда есть возможность для улучшений.

    So if you happen to come across Goldilocks in the forest, and you are curious as to why she is smiling you will know that she feels very good about getting very close to ‘JUST RIGHT’.

    Generations of Evolution – some background on our data center designs

    Так что, если вы встретите в лесу девочку по имени Лютик, и вам станет любопытно, почему она улыбается, вы будете знать, что она очень довольна тем, что очень близко подошла к ‘ОПИМАЛЬНОМУ РЕШЕНИЮ’.
    Поколения эволюции – история развития наших дата-центров

    We thought you might be interested in understanding what happened in the first three generations of our data center designs. When Ray Ozzie wrote his Software plus Services memo it posed a very interesting challenge to us. The winds of change were at ‘tornado’ proportions. That “plus Services” tag had some significant (and unstated) challenges inherent to it. The first was that Microsoft was going to evolve even further into an operations company. While we had been running large scale Internet services since 1995, this development lead us to an entirely new level. Additionally, these “services” would span across both Internet and Enterprise businesses. To those of you who have to operate “stuff”, you know that these are two very different worlds in operational models and challenges. It also meant that, to achieve the same level of reliability and performance required our infrastructure was going to have to scale globally and in a significant way.

    Мы подумали, что может быть вам будет интересно узнать историю первых трех поколений наших центров обработки данных. Когда Рэй Оззи написал свою памятную записку Software plus Services, он поставил перед нами очень интересную задачу. Ветра перемен двигались с ураганной скоростью. Это окончание “plus Services” скрывало в себе какие-то значительные и неопределенные задачи. Первая заключалась в том, что Майкрософт собиралась в еще большей степени стать операционной компанией. Несмотря на то, что мы управляли большими интернет-сервисами, начиная с 1995 г., эта разработка подняла нас на абсолютно новый уровень. Кроме того, эти “сервисы” охватывали интернет-компании и корпорации. Тем, кому приходится всем этим управлять, известно, что есть два очень разных мира в области операционных моделей и задач. Это также означало, что для достижения такого же уровня надежности и производительности требовалось, чтобы наша инфраструктура располагала значительными возможностями расширения в глобальных масштабах.

    It was that intense atmosphere of change that we first started re-evaluating data center technology and processes in general and our ideas began to reach farther than what was accepted by the industry at large. This was the era of Generation 1. As we look at where most of the world’s data centers are today (and where our facilities were), it represented all the known learning and design requirements that had been in place since IBM built the first purpose-built computer room. These facilities focused more around uptime, reliability and redundancy. Big infrastructure was held accountable to solve all potential environmental shortfalls. This is where the majority of infrastructure in the industry still is today.

    Именно в этой атмосфере серьезных изменений мы впервые начали переоценку ЦОД-технологий и технологий вообще, и наши идеи начали выходить за пределы общепринятых в отрасли представлений. Это была эпоха ЦОД первого поколения. Когда мы узнали, где сегодня располагается большинство мировых дата-центров и где находятся наши предприятия, это представляло весь опыт и навыки проектирования, накопленные со времени, когда IBM построила первую серверную. В этих ЦОД больше внимания уделялось бесперебойной работе, надежности и резервированию. Большая инфраструктура была призвана решать все потенциальные экологические проблемы. Сегодня большая часть инфраструктуры все еще находится на этом этапе своего развития.

    We soon realized that traditional data centers were quickly becoming outdated. They were not keeping up with the demands of what was happening technologically and environmentally. That’s when we kicked off our Generation 2 design. Gen 2 facilities started taking into account sustainability, energy efficiency, and really looking at the total cost of energy and operations.

    Очень быстро мы поняли, что стандартные дата-центры очень быстро становятся устаревшими. Они не поспевали за темпами изменений технологических и экологических требований. Именно тогда мы стали разрабатывать ЦОД второго поколения. В этих дата-центрах Gen 2 стали принимать во внимание такие факторы как устойчивое развитие, энергетическая эффективность, а также общие энергетические и эксплуатационные.

    No longer did we view data centers just for the upfront capital costs, but we took a hard look at the facility over the course of its life. Our Quincy, Washington and San Antonio, Texas facilities are examples of our Gen 2 data centers where we explored and implemented new ways to lessen the impact on the environment. These facilities are considered two leading industry examples, based on their energy efficiency and ability to run and operate at new levels of scale and performance by leveraging clean hydro power (Quincy) and recycled waste water (San Antonio) to cool the facility during peak cooling months.

    Мы больше не рассматривали дата-центры только с точки зрения начальных капитальных затрат, а внимательно следили за работой ЦОД на протяжении его срока службы. Наши объекты в Куинси, Вашингтоне, и Сан-Антонио, Техас, являются образцами наших ЦОД второго поколения, в которых мы изучали и применяли на практике новые способы снижения воздействия на окружающую среду. Эти объекты считаются двумя ведущими отраслевыми примерами, исходя из их энергетической эффективности и способности работать на новых уровнях производительности, основанных на использовании чистой энергии воды (Куинси) и рециклирования отработанной воды (Сан-Антонио) для охлаждения объекта в самых жарких месяцах.

    As we were delivering our Gen 2 facilities into steel and concrete, our Generation 3 facilities were rapidly driving the evolution of the program. The key concepts for our Gen 3 design are increased modularity and greater concentration around energy efficiency and scale. The Gen 3 facility will be best represented by the Chicago, Illinois facility currently under construction. This facility will seem very foreign compared to the traditional data center concepts most of the industry is comfortable with. In fact, if you ever sit around in our container hanger in Chicago it will look incredibly different from a traditional raised-floor data center. We anticipate this modularization will drive huge efficiencies in terms of cost and operations for our business. We will also introduce significant changes in the environmental systems used to run our facilities. These concepts and processes (where applicable) will help us gain even greater efficiencies in our existing footprint, allowing us to further maximize infrastructure investments.

    Так как наши ЦОД второго поколения строились из стали и бетона, наши центры обработки данных третьего поколения начали их быстро вытеснять. Главными концептуальными особенностями ЦОД третьего поколения Gen 3 являются повышенная модульность и большее внимание к энергетической эффективности и масштабированию. Дата-центры третьего поколения лучше всего представлены объектом, который в настоящее время строится в Чикаго, Иллинойс. Этот ЦОД будет выглядеть очень необычно, по сравнению с общепринятыми в отрасли представлениями о дата-центре. Действительно, если вам когда-либо удастся побывать в нашем контейнерном ангаре в Чикаго, он покажется вам совершенно непохожим на обычный дата-центр с фальшполом. Мы предполагаем, что этот модульный подход будет способствовать значительному повышению эффективности нашего бизнеса в отношении затрат и операций. Мы также внесем существенные изменения в климатические системы, используемые в наших ЦОД. Эти концепции и технологии, если применимо, позволят нам добиться еще большей эффективности наших существующих дата-центров, и тем самым еще больше увеличивать капиталовложения в инфраструктуру.

    This is definitely a journey, not a destination industry. In fact, our Generation 4 design has been under heavy engineering for viability and cost for over a year. While the demand of our commercial growth required us to make investments as we grew, we treated each step in the learning as a process for further innovation in data centers. The design for our future Gen 4 facilities enabled us to make visionary advances that addressed the challenges of building, running, and operating facilities all in one concerted effort.

    Это определенно путешествие, а не конечный пункт назначения. На самом деле, наш проект ЦОД четвертого поколения подвергался серьезным испытаниям на жизнеспособность и затраты на протяжении целого года. Хотя необходимость в коммерческом росте требовала от нас постоянных капиталовложений, мы рассматривали каждый этап своего развития как шаг к будущим инновациям в области дата-центров. Проект наших будущих ЦОД четвертого поколения Gen 4 позволил нам делать фантастические предположения, которые касались задач строительства, управления и эксплуатации объектов как единого упорядоченного процесса.




    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

  • 7 modular data center

    1. модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)


    модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    [ http://loosebolts.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/our-vision-for-generation-4-modular-data-centers-one-way-of-getting-it-just-right/]

    [ http://dcnt.ru/?p=9299#more-9299]

    Data Centers are a hot topic these days. No matter where you look, this once obscure aspect of infrastructure is getting a lot of attention. For years, there have been cost pressures on IT operations and this, when the need for modern capacity is greater than ever, has thrust data centers into the spotlight. Server and rack density continues to rise, placing DC professionals and businesses in tighter and tougher situations while they struggle to manage their IT environments. And now hyper-scale cloud infrastructure is taking traditional technologies to limits never explored before and focusing the imagination of the IT industry on new possibilities.

    В настоящее время центры обработки данных являются широко обсуждаемой темой. Куда ни посмотришь, этот некогда малоизвестный аспект инфраструктуры привлекает все больше внимания. Годами ИТ-отделы испытывали нехватку средств и это выдвинуло ЦОДы в центр внимания, в то время, когда необходимость в современных ЦОДах стала как никогда высокой. Плотность серверов и стоек продолжают расти, все больше усложняя ситуацию для специалистов в области охлаждения и организаций в их попытках управлять своими ИТ-средами. И теперь гипермасштабируемая облачная инфраструктура подвергает традиционные технологии невиданным ранее нагрузкам, и заставляет ИТ-индустрию искать новые возможности.

    At Microsoft, we have focused a lot of thought and research around how to best operate and maintain our global infrastructure and we want to share those learnings. While obviously there are some aspects that we keep to ourselves, we have shared how we operate facilities daily, our technologies and methodologies, and, most importantly, how we monitor and manage our facilities. Whether it’s speaking at industry events, inviting customers to our “Microsoft data center conferences” held in our data centers, or through other media like blogging and white papers, we believe sharing best practices is paramount and will drive the industry forward. So in that vein, we have some interesting news to share.

    В компании MicroSoft уделяют большое внимание изучению наилучших методов эксплуатации и технического обслуживания своей глобальной инфраструктуры и делятся результатами своих исследований. И хотя мы, конечно, не раскрываем некоторые аспекты своих исследований, мы делимся повседневным опытом эксплуатации дата-центров, своими технологиями и методологиями и, что важнее всего, методами контроля и управления своими объектами. Будь то доклады на отраслевых событиях, приглашение клиентов на наши конференции, которые посвящены центрам обработки данных MicroSoft, и проводятся в этих самых дата-центрах, или использование других средств, например, блоги и спецификации, мы уверены, что обмен передовым опытом имеет первостепенное значение и будет продвигать отрасль вперед.

    Today we are sharing our Generation 4 Modular Data Center plan. This is our vision and will be the foundation of our cloud data center infrastructure in the next five years. We believe it is one of the most revolutionary changes to happen to data centers in the last 30 years. Joining me, in writing this blog are Daniel Costello, my director of Data Center Research and Engineering and Christian Belady, principal power and cooling architect. I feel their voices will add significant value to driving understanding around the many benefits included in this new design paradigm.

    Сейчас мы хотим поделиться своим планом модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения. Это наше видение и оно будет основанием для инфраструктуры наших облачных дата-центров в ближайшие пять лет. Мы считаем, что это одно из самых революционных изменений в дата-центрах за последние 30 лет. Вместе со мной в написании этого блога участвовали Дэниел Костелло, директор по исследованиям и инжинирингу дата-центров, и Кристиан Белади, главный архитектор систем энергоснабжения и охлаждения. Мне кажется, что их авторитет придаст больше веса большому количеству преимуществ, включенных в эту новую парадигму проектирования.

    Our “Gen 4” modular data centers will take the flexibility of containerized servers—like those in our Chicago data center—and apply it across the entire facility. So what do we mean by modular? Think of it like “building blocks”, where the data center will be composed of modular units of prefabricated mechanical, electrical, security components, etc., in addition to containerized servers.

    Was there a key driver for the Generation 4 Data Center?

    Наши модульные дата-центры “Gen 4” будут гибкими с контейнерами серверов – как серверы в нашем чикагском дата-центре. И гибкость будет применяться ко всему ЦОД. Итак, что мы подразумеваем под модульностью? Мы думаем о ней как о “строительных блоках”, где дата-центр будет состоять из модульных блоков изготовленных в заводских условиях электрических систем и систем охлаждения, а также систем безопасности и т.п., в дополнение к контейнеризованным серверам.
    Был ли ключевой стимул для разработки дата-центра четвертого поколения?

    If we were to summarize the promise of our Gen 4 design into a single sentence it would be something like this: “A highly modular, scalable, efficient, just-in-time data center capacity program that can be delivered anywhere in the world very quickly and cheaply, while allowing for continued growth as required.” Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, keep in mind that these concepts have been in initial development and prototyping for over a year and are based on cumulative knowledge of previous facility generations and the advances we have made since we began our investments in earnest on this new design.

    Если бы нам нужно было обобщить достоинства нашего проекта Gen 4 в одном предложении, это выглядело бы следующим образом: “Центр обработки данных с высоким уровнем модульности, расширяемости, и энергетической эффективности, а также возможностью постоянного расширения, в случае необходимости, который можно очень быстро и дешево развертывать в любом месте мира”. Звучит слишком хорошо для того чтобы быть правдой, не так ли? Ну, не забывайте, что эти концепции находились в процессе начальной разработки и создания опытного образца в течение более одного года и основываются на опыте, накопленном в ходе развития предыдущих поколений ЦОД, а также успехах, сделанных нами со времени, когда мы начали вкладывать серьезные средства в этот новый проект.

    One of the biggest challenges we’ve had at Microsoft is something Mike likes to call the ‘Goldilock’s Problem’. In a nutshell, the problem can be stated as:

    The worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is not have enough capacity online, thus limiting the growth of our products and services.

    Одну из самых больших проблем, с которыми приходилось сталкиваться Майкрософт, Майк любит называть ‘Проблемой Лютика’. Вкратце, эту проблему можно выразить следующим образом:

    Самое худшее, что может быть при строительстве ЦОД для бизнеса, это не располагать достаточными производственными мощностями, и тем самым ограничивать рост наших продуктов и сервисов.

    The second worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is to have too much capacity online.

    А вторым самым худшим моментом в этой сфере может слишком большое количество производственных мощностей.

    This has led to a focus on smart, intelligent growth for the business — refining our overall demand picture. It can’t be too hot. It can’t be too cold. It has to be ‘Just Right!’ The capital dollars of investment are too large to make without long term planning. As we struggled to master these interesting challenges, we had to ensure that our technological plan also included solutions for the business and operational challenges we faced as well.
    So let’s take a high level look at our Generation 4 design

    Это заставило нас сосредоточиваться на интеллектуальном росте для бизнеса — refining our overall demand picture. Это не должно быть слишком горячим. И это не должно быть слишком холодным. Это должно быть ‘как раз, таким как надо!’ Нельзя делать такие большие капиталовложения без долгосрочного планирования. Пока мы старались решить эти интересные проблемы, мы должны были гарантировать, что наш технологический план будет также включать решения для коммерческих и эксплуатационных проблем, с которыми нам также приходилось сталкиваться.
    Давайте рассмотрим наш проект дата-центра четвертого поколения

    Are you ready for some great visuals? Check out this video at Soapbox. Click here for the Microsoft 4th Gen Video.

    It’s a concept video that came out of my Data Center Research and Engineering team, under Daniel Costello, that will give you a view into what we think is the future.

    From a configuration, construct-ability and time to market perspective, our primary goals and objectives are to modularize the whole data center. Not just the server side (like the Chicago facility), but the mechanical and electrical space as well. This means using the same kind of parts in pre-manufactured modules, the ability to use containers, skids, or rack-based deployments and the ability to tailor the Redundancy and Reliability requirements to the application at a very specific level.

    Посмотрите это видео, перейдите по ссылке для просмотра видео о Microsoft 4th Gen:

    Это концептуальное видео, созданное командой отдела Data Center Research and Engineering, возглавляемого Дэниелом Костелло, которое даст вам наше представление о будущем.

    С точки зрения конфигурации, строительной технологичности и времени вывода на рынок, нашими главными целями и задачами агрегатирование всего дата-центра. Не только серверную часть, как дата-центр в Чикаго, но также системы охлаждения и электрические системы. Это означает применение деталей одного типа в сборных модулях, возможность использования контейнеров, салазок, или стоечных систем, а также возможность подстраивать требования избыточности и надежности для данного приложения на очень специфичном уровне.

    Our goals from a cost perspective were simple in concept but tough to deliver. First and foremost, we had to reduce the capital cost per critical Mega Watt by the class of use. Some applications can run with N-level redundancy in the infrastructure, others require a little more infrastructure for support. These different classes of infrastructure requirements meant that optimizing for all cost classes was paramount. At Microsoft, we are not a one trick pony and have many Online products and services (240+) that require different levels of operational support. We understand that and ensured that we addressed it in our design which will allow us to reduce capital costs by 20%-40% or greater depending upon class.

    Нашими целями в области затрат были концептуально простыми, но трудно реализуемыми. В первую очередь мы должны были снизить капитальные затраты в пересчете на один мегаватт, в зависимости от класса резервирования. Некоторые приложения могут вполне работать на базе инфраструктуры с резервированием на уровне N, то есть без резервирования, а для работы других приложений требуется больше инфраструктуры. Эти разные классы требований инфраструктуры подразумевали, что оптимизация всех классов затрат имеет преобладающее значение. В Майкрософт мы не ограничиваемся одним решением и располагаем большим количеством интерактивных продуктов и сервисов (240+), которым требуются разные уровни эксплуатационной поддержки. Мы понимаем это, и учитываем это в своем проекте, который позволит нам сокращать капитальные затраты на 20%-40% или более в зависимости от класса.

    For example, non-critical or geo redundant applications have low hardware reliability requirements on a location basis. As a result, Gen 4 can be configured to provide stripped down, low-cost infrastructure with little or no redundancy and/or temperature control. Let’s say an Online service team decides that due to the dramatically lower cost, they will simply use uncontrolled outside air with temperatures ranging 10-35 C and 20-80% RH. The reality is we are already spec-ing this for all of our servers today and working with server vendors to broaden that range even further as Gen 4 becomes a reality. For this class of infrastructure, we eliminate generators, chillers, UPSs, and possibly lower costs relative to traditional infrastructure.

    Например, некритичные или гео-избыточные системы имеют низкие требования к аппаратной надежности на основе местоположения. В результате этого, Gen 4 можно конфигурировать для упрощенной, недорогой инфраструктуры с низким уровнем (или вообще без резервирования) резервирования и / или температурного контроля. Скажем, команда интерактивного сервиса решает, что, в связи с намного меньшими затратами, они будут просто использовать некондиционированный наружный воздух с температурой 10-35°C и влажностью 20-80% RH. В реальности мы уже сегодня предъявляем эти требования к своим серверам и работаем с поставщиками серверов над еще большим расширением диапазона температур, так как наш модуль и подход Gen 4 становится реальностью. Для подобного класса инфраструктуры мы удаляем генераторы, чиллеры, ИБП, и, возможно, будем предлагать более низкие затраты, по сравнению с традиционной инфраструктурой.

    Applications that demand higher level of redundancy or temperature control will use configurations of Gen 4 to meet those needs, however, they will also cost more (but still less than traditional data centers). We see this cost difference driving engineering behavioral change in that we predict more applications will drive towards Geo redundancy to lower costs.

    Системы, которым требуется более высокий уровень резервирования или температурного контроля, будут использовать конфигурации Gen 4, отвечающие этим требованиям, однако, они будут также стоить больше. Но все равно они будут стоить меньше, чем традиционные дата-центры. Мы предвидим, что эти различия в затратах будут вызывать изменения в методах инжиниринга, и по нашим прогнозам, это будет выражаться в переходе все большего числа систем на гео-избыточность и меньшие затраты.

    Another cool thing about Gen 4 is that it allows us to deploy capacity when our demand dictates it. Once finalized, we will no longer need to make large upfront investments. Imagine driving capital costs more closely in-line with actual demand, thus greatly reducing time-to-market and adding the capacity Online inherent in the design. Also reduced is the amount of construction labor required to put these “building blocks” together. Since the entire platform requires pre-manufacture of its core components, on-site construction costs are lowered. This allows us to maximize our return on invested capital.

    Еще одно достоинство Gen 4 состоит в том, что он позволяет нам разворачивать дополнительные мощности, когда нам это необходимо. Как только мы закончим проект, нам больше не нужно будет делать большие начальные капиталовложения. Представьте себе возможность более точного согласования капитальных затрат с реальными требованиями, и тем самым значительного снижения времени вывода на рынок и интерактивного добавления мощностей, предусматриваемого проектом. Также снижен объем строительных работ, требуемых для сборки этих “строительных блоков”. Поскольку вся платформа требует предварительного изготовления ее базовых компонентов, затраты на сборку также снижены. Это позволит нам увеличить до максимума окупаемость своих капиталовложений.
    Мы все подвергаем сомнению

    In our design process, we questioned everything. You may notice there is no roof and some might be uncomfortable with this. We explored the need of one and throughout our research we got some surprising (positive) results that showed one wasn’t needed.

    В своем процессе проектирования мы все подвергаем сомнению. Вы, наверное, обратили внимание на отсутствие крыши, и некоторым специалистам это могло не понравиться. Мы изучили необходимость в крыше и в ходе своих исследований получили удивительные результаты, которые показали, что крыша не нужна.
    Серийное производство дата центров

    In short, we are striving to bring Henry Ford’s Model T factory to the data center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford#Model_T. Gen 4 will move data centers from a custom design and build model to a commoditized manufacturing approach. We intend to have our components built in factories and then assemble them in one location (the data center site) very quickly. Think about how a computer, car or plane is built today. Components are manufactured by different companies all over the world to a predefined spec and then integrated in one location based on demands and feature requirements. And just like Henry Ford’s assembly line drove the cost of building and the time-to-market down dramatically for the automobile industry, we expect Gen 4 to do the same for data centers. Everything will be pre-manufactured and assembled on the pad.

    Мы хотим применить модель автомобильной фабрики Генри Форда к дата-центру. Проект Gen 4 будет способствовать переходу от модели специализированного проектирования и строительства к товарно-производственному, серийному подходу. Мы намерены изготавливать свои компоненты на заводах, а затем очень быстро собирать их в одном месте, в месте строительства дата-центра. Подумайте о том, как сегодня изготавливается компьютер, автомобиль или самолет. Компоненты изготавливаются по заранее определенным спецификациям разными компаниями во всем мире, затем собираются в одном месте на основе спроса и требуемых характеристик. И точно так же как сборочный конвейер Генри Форда привел к значительному уменьшению затрат на производство и времени вывода на рынок в автомобильной промышленности, мы надеемся, что Gen 4 сделает то же самое для дата-центров. Все будет предварительно изготавливаться и собираться на месте.
    Невероятно энергоэффективный ЦОД

    And did we mention that this platform will be, overall, incredibly energy efficient? From a total energy perspective not only will we have remarkable PUE values, but the total cost of energy going into the facility will be greatly reduced as well. How much energy goes into making concrete? Will we need as much of it? How much energy goes into the fuel of the construction vehicles? This will also be greatly reduced! A key driver is our goal to achieve an average PUE at or below 1.125 by 2012 across our data centers. More than that, we are on a mission to reduce the overall amount of copper and water used in these facilities. We believe these will be the next areas of industry attention when and if the energy problem is solved. So we are asking today…“how can we build a data center with less building”?

    А мы упоминали, что эта платформа будет, в общем, невероятно энергоэффективной? С точки зрения общей энергии, мы получим не только поразительные значения PUE, но общая стоимость энергии, затраченной на объект будет также значительно снижена. Сколько энергии идет на производство бетона? Нам нужно будет столько энергии? Сколько энергии идет на питание инженерных строительных машин? Это тоже будет значительно снижено! Главным стимулом является достижение среднего PUE не больше 1.125 для всех наших дата-центров к 2012 году. Более того, у нас есть задача сокращения общего количества меди и воды в дата-центрах. Мы думаем, что эти задачи станут следующей заботой отрасли после того как будет решена энергетическая проблема. Итак, сегодня мы спрашиваем себя…“как можно построить дата-центр с меньшим объемом строительных работ”?
    Строительство дата центров без чиллеров

    We have talked openly and publicly about building chiller-less data centers and running our facilities using aggressive outside economization. Our sincerest hope is that Gen 4 will completely eliminate the use of water. Today’s data centers use massive amounts of water and we see water as the next scarce resource and have decided to take a proactive stance on making water conservation part of our plan.

    Мы открыто и публично говорили о строительстве дата-центров без чиллеров и активном использовании в наших центрах обработки данных технологий свободного охлаждения или фрикулинга. Мы искренне надеемся, что Gen 4 позволит полностью отказаться от использования воды. Современные дата-центры расходуют большие объемы воды и так как мы считаем воду следующим редким ресурсом, мы решили принять упреждающие меры и включить экономию воды в свой план.

    By sharing this with the industry, we believe everyone can benefit from our methodology. While this concept and approach may be intimidating (or downright frightening) to some in the industry, disclosure ultimately is better for all of us.

    Делясь этим опытом с отраслью, мы считаем, что каждый сможет извлечь выгоду из нашей методологией. Хотя эта концепция и подход могут показаться пугающими (или откровенно страшными) для некоторых отраслевых специалистов, раскрывая свои планы мы, в конечном счете, делаем лучше для всех нас.

    Gen 4 design (even more than just containers), could reduce the ‘religious’ debates in our industry. With the central spine infrastructure in place, containers or pre-manufactured server halls can be either AC or DC, air-side economized or water-side economized, or not economized at all (though the sanity of that might be questioned). Gen 4 will allow us to decommission, repair and upgrade quickly because everything is modular. No longer will we be governed by the initial decisions made when constructing the facility. We will have almost unlimited use and re-use of the facility and site. We will also be able to use power in an ultra-fluid fashion moving load from critical to non-critical as use and capacity requirements dictate.

    Проект Gen 4 позволит уменьшить ‘религиозные’ споры в нашей отрасли. Располагая базовой инфраструктурой, контейнеры или сборные серверные могут оборудоваться системами переменного или постоянного тока, воздушными или водяными экономайзерами, или вообще не использовать экономайзеры. Хотя можно подвергать сомнению разумность такого решения. Gen 4 позволит нам быстро выполнять работы по выводу из эксплуатации, ремонту и модернизации, поскольку все будет модульным. Мы больше не будем руководствоваться начальными решениями, принятыми во время строительства дата-центра. Мы сможем использовать этот дата-центр и инфраструктуру в течение почти неограниченного периода времени. Мы также сможем применять сверхгибкие методы использования электрической энергии, переводя оборудование в режимы критической или некритической нагрузки в соответствии с требуемой мощностью.
    Gen 4 – это стандартная платформа

    Finally, we believe this is a big game changer. Gen 4 will provide a standard platform that our industry can innovate around. For example, all modules in our Gen 4 will have common interfaces clearly defined by our specs and any vendor that meets these specifications will be able to plug into our infrastructure. Whether you are a computer vendor, UPS vendor, generator vendor, etc., you will be able to plug and play into our infrastructure. This means we can also source anyone, anywhere on the globe to minimize costs and maximize performance. We want to help motivate the industry to further innovate—with innovations from which everyone can reap the benefits.

    Наконец, мы уверены, что это будет фактором, который значительно изменит ситуацию. Gen 4 будет представлять собой стандартную платформу, которую отрасль сможет обновлять. Например, все модули в нашем Gen 4 будут иметь общепринятые интерфейсы, четко определяемые нашими спецификациями, и оборудование любого поставщика, которое отвечает этим спецификациям можно будет включать в нашу инфраструктуру. Независимо от того производите вы компьютеры, ИБП, генераторы и т.п., вы сможете включать свое оборудование нашу инфраструктуру. Это означает, что мы также сможем обеспечивать всех, в любом месте земного шара, тем самым сводя до минимума затраты и максимальной увеличивая производительность. Мы хотим создать в отрасли мотивацию для дальнейших инноваций – инноваций, от которых каждый сможет получать выгоду.
    Главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen4

    To summarize, the key characteristics of our Generation 4 data centers are:

    Plug-and-play spine infrastructure
    Factory pre-assembled: Pre-Assembled Containers (PACs) & Pre-Manufactured Buildings (PMBs)
    Rapid deployment
    Reduce TTM
    Reduced construction
    Sustainable measures

    Ниже приведены главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen 4:

    Готовая к использованию базовая инфраструктура;
    Изготовление в заводских условиях: сборные контейнеры (PAC) и сборные здания (PMB);
    Быстрота развертывания;
    Возможность демонтажа;
    Снижение времени вывода на рынок (TTM);
    Сокращение сроков строительства;

    Map applications to DC Class

    We hope you join us on this incredible journey of change and innovation!

    Long hours of research and engineering time are invested into this process. There are still some long days and nights ahead, but the vision is clear. Rest assured however, that we as refine Generation 4, the team will soon be looking to Generation 5 (even if it is a bit farther out). There is always room to get better.

    Использование систем электропитания постоянного тока.

    Мы надеемся, что вы присоединитесь к нам в этом невероятном путешествии по миру изменений и инноваций!

    На этот проект уже потрачены долгие часы исследований и проектирования. И еще предстоит потратить много дней и ночей, но мы имеем четкое представление о конечной цели. Однако будьте уверены, что как только мы доведем до конца проект модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения, мы вскоре начнем думать о проекте дата-центра пятого поколения. Всегда есть возможность для улучшений.

    So if you happen to come across Goldilocks in the forest, and you are curious as to why she is smiling you will know that she feels very good about getting very close to ‘JUST RIGHT’.

    Generations of Evolution – some background on our data center designs

    Так что, если вы встретите в лесу девочку по имени Лютик, и вам станет любопытно, почему она улыбается, вы будете знать, что она очень довольна тем, что очень близко подошла к ‘ОПИМАЛЬНОМУ РЕШЕНИЮ’.
    Поколения эволюции – история развития наших дата-центров

    We thought you might be interested in understanding what happened in the first three generations of our data center designs. When Ray Ozzie wrote his Software plus Services memo it posed a very interesting challenge to us. The winds of change were at ‘tornado’ proportions. That “plus Services” tag had some significant (and unstated) challenges inherent to it. The first was that Microsoft was going to evolve even further into an operations company. While we had been running large scale Internet services since 1995, this development lead us to an entirely new level. Additionally, these “services” would span across both Internet and Enterprise businesses. To those of you who have to operate “stuff”, you know that these are two very different worlds in operational models and challenges. It also meant that, to achieve the same level of reliability and performance required our infrastructure was going to have to scale globally and in a significant way.

    Мы подумали, что может быть вам будет интересно узнать историю первых трех поколений наших центров обработки данных. Когда Рэй Оззи написал свою памятную записку Software plus Services, он поставил перед нами очень интересную задачу. Ветра перемен двигались с ураганной скоростью. Это окончание “plus Services” скрывало в себе какие-то значительные и неопределенные задачи. Первая заключалась в том, что Майкрософт собиралась в еще большей степени стать операционной компанией. Несмотря на то, что мы управляли большими интернет-сервисами, начиная с 1995 г., эта разработка подняла нас на абсолютно новый уровень. Кроме того, эти “сервисы” охватывали интернет-компании и корпорации. Тем, кому приходится всем этим управлять, известно, что есть два очень разных мира в области операционных моделей и задач. Это также означало, что для достижения такого же уровня надежности и производительности требовалось, чтобы наша инфраструктура располагала значительными возможностями расширения в глобальных масштабах.

    It was that intense atmosphere of change that we first started re-evaluating data center technology and processes in general and our ideas began to reach farther than what was accepted by the industry at large. This was the era of Generation 1. As we look at where most of the world’s data centers are today (and where our facilities were), it represented all the known learning and design requirements that had been in place since IBM built the first purpose-built computer room. These facilities focused more around uptime, reliability and redundancy. Big infrastructure was held accountable to solve all potential environmental shortfalls. This is where the majority of infrastructure in the industry still is today.

    Именно в этой атмосфере серьезных изменений мы впервые начали переоценку ЦОД-технологий и технологий вообще, и наши идеи начали выходить за пределы общепринятых в отрасли представлений. Это была эпоха ЦОД первого поколения. Когда мы узнали, где сегодня располагается большинство мировых дата-центров и где находятся наши предприятия, это представляло весь опыт и навыки проектирования, накопленные со времени, когда IBM построила первую серверную. В этих ЦОД больше внимания уделялось бесперебойной работе, надежности и резервированию. Большая инфраструктура была призвана решать все потенциальные экологические проблемы. Сегодня большая часть инфраструктуры все еще находится на этом этапе своего развития.

    We soon realized that traditional data centers were quickly becoming outdated. They were not keeping up with the demands of what was happening technologically and environmentally. That’s when we kicked off our Generation 2 design. Gen 2 facilities started taking into account sustainability, energy efficiency, and really looking at the total cost of energy and operations.

    Очень быстро мы поняли, что стандартные дата-центры очень быстро становятся устаревшими. Они не поспевали за темпами изменений технологических и экологических требований. Именно тогда мы стали разрабатывать ЦОД второго поколения. В этих дата-центрах Gen 2 стали принимать во внимание такие факторы как устойчивое развитие, энергетическая эффективность, а также общие энергетические и эксплуатационные.

    No longer did we view data centers just for the upfront capital costs, but we took a hard look at the facility over the course of its life. Our Quincy, Washington and San Antonio, Texas facilities are examples of our Gen 2 data centers where we explored and implemented new ways to lessen the impact on the environment. These facilities are considered two leading industry examples, based on their energy efficiency and ability to run and operate at new levels of scale and performance by leveraging clean hydro power (Quincy) and recycled waste water (San Antonio) to cool the facility during peak cooling months.

    Мы больше не рассматривали дата-центры только с точки зрения начальных капитальных затрат, а внимательно следили за работой ЦОД на протяжении его срока службы. Наши объекты в Куинси, Вашингтоне, и Сан-Антонио, Техас, являются образцами наших ЦОД второго поколения, в которых мы изучали и применяли на практике новые способы снижения воздействия на окружающую среду. Эти объекты считаются двумя ведущими отраслевыми примерами, исходя из их энергетической эффективности и способности работать на новых уровнях производительности, основанных на использовании чистой энергии воды (Куинси) и рециклирования отработанной воды (Сан-Антонио) для охлаждения объекта в самых жарких месяцах.

    As we were delivering our Gen 2 facilities into steel and concrete, our Generation 3 facilities were rapidly driving the evolution of the program. The key concepts for our Gen 3 design are increased modularity and greater concentration around energy efficiency and scale. The Gen 3 facility will be best represented by the Chicago, Illinois facility currently under construction. This facility will seem very foreign compared to the traditional data center concepts most of the industry is comfortable with. In fact, if you ever sit around in our container hanger in Chicago it will look incredibly different from a traditional raised-floor data center. We anticipate this modularization will drive huge efficiencies in terms of cost and operations for our business. We will also introduce significant changes in the environmental systems used to run our facilities. These concepts and processes (where applicable) will help us gain even greater efficiencies in our existing footprint, allowing us to further maximize infrastructure investments.

    Так как наши ЦОД второго поколения строились из стали и бетона, наши центры обработки данных третьего поколения начали их быстро вытеснять. Главными концептуальными особенностями ЦОД третьего поколения Gen 3 являются повышенная модульность и большее внимание к энергетической эффективности и масштабированию. Дата-центры третьего поколения лучше всего представлены объектом, который в настоящее время строится в Чикаго, Иллинойс. Этот ЦОД будет выглядеть очень необычно, по сравнению с общепринятыми в отрасли представлениями о дата-центре. Действительно, если вам когда-либо удастся побывать в нашем контейнерном ангаре в Чикаго, он покажется вам совершенно непохожим на обычный дата-центр с фальшполом. Мы предполагаем, что этот модульный подход будет способствовать значительному повышению эффективности нашего бизнеса в отношении затрат и операций. Мы также внесем существенные изменения в климатические системы, используемые в наших ЦОД. Эти концепции и технологии, если применимо, позволят нам добиться еще большей эффективности наших существующих дата-центров, и тем самым еще больше увеличивать капиталовложения в инфраструктуру.

    This is definitely a journey, not a destination industry. In fact, our Generation 4 design has been under heavy engineering for viability and cost for over a year. While the demand of our commercial growth required us to make investments as we grew, we treated each step in the learning as a process for further innovation in data centers. The design for our future Gen 4 facilities enabled us to make visionary advances that addressed the challenges of building, running, and operating facilities all in one concerted effort.

    Это определенно путешествие, а не конечный пункт назначения. На самом деле, наш проект ЦОД четвертого поколения подвергался серьезным испытаниям на жизнеспособность и затраты на протяжении целого года. Хотя необходимость в коммерческом росте требовала от нас постоянных капиталовложений, мы рассматривали каждый этап своего развития как шаг к будущим инновациям в области дата-центров. Проект наших будущих ЦОД четвертого поколения Gen 4 позволил нам делать фантастические предположения, которые касались задач строительства, управления и эксплуатации объектов как единого упорядоченного процесса.




    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > modular data center

  • 8 groß

    big; tall; great; large; grand; heavyset
    * * *
    comp ordm;er ['grøːsɐ] superl ordm;te(r, s) ['grøːstə]
    1) big; Fläche, Raum, Haus, Hände big, large; Höhe, Breite great; Größe, Tube, Dose, Packung etc large; (TYP ) Buchstabe capital

    ein ganz großes Haus/Buch — a great big house/book

    der große ( Uhr)zeiger — the big or minute hand

    ein Loch größer machento make a hole bigger

    ein großes Bier, ein Großes (inf) — ≈ a pint (of beer) (Brit), a large beer

    großes Geldnotes pl (Brit), bills pl (US)

    im Großen und Ganzen (gesehen) — by and large

    im Großen einkaufento buy in bulk or quantity

    2) = hoch, hochgewachsen tall

    wie groß bist du? — how tall are you?

    er ist 1,80 Meter groß — he's one metre (Brit) or meter (US) eighty (tall)

    3) = älter Bruder, Schwester big

    unsere Große — our eldest or oldest (daughter); (von zweien) our elder daughter

    Groß und Klein — young and old (alike)

    zu groß für etw sein — to be too big for sth

    4) zeitlich Verzögerung, Rede big, long

    die großen Ferienthe summer holidays (Brit) or holiday (US)

    5) = beträchtlich, wichtig, bedeutend great; Erfolg, Enttäuschung, Hoffnung, Eile great, big; Gewinn, Ereignis big; Katastrophe, Schreck terrible; Summe large; Geschwindigkeit high

    er hat Großes geleistethe has achieved great things

    die größten Erfindungen unseres Jahrhunderts — the greatest inventions of our century

    ein großer Dichter wie Goethe — a great poet like Goethe

    eine große Dummheit machen — to do something very or really stupid

    großen Durst haben — to be very thirsty

    er ist kein großer Esser (inf)he's not a big eater

    die großen Fragen unserer Zeit — the great or big questions of our time

    vor meinem Haus war or herrschte ein großer Lärmthere was a lot of noise outside my house

    großen Hunger haben — to be very hungry

    ich habe große Lust zu verreisen — I'd really like to go away (on holiday (Brit) or vacation (US))

    sie hatte große Lust, sich zu verkleiden — she really wanted to get dressed up

    große Mode sein — to be all the rage (inf)

    einen großen Namen haben — to be a big name

    die große Nummer (im Zirkus) — the big number, the star turn (esp Brit)

    ich bin kein großer Redner (inf)I'm no great speaker

    im größten Regen/Schneesturm — in the middle of a downpour/snowstorm

    6) = großartig, bewundernswert iro great
    7) in Eigennamen Great

    Alfred/Friedrich der Große — Alfred/Frederick the Great

    8) MUS
    2. ADVERB
    comp ordm; er, superl am ordm;ten

    = nicht klein groß gewachsentall

    groß gemustert — large-print, with a large print

    groß machen (baby-talk)to do number two (baby-talk), to do a poo (Brit baby-talk)

    groß daherreden (inf)to talk big (inf)


    = in großem Ausmaß groß einkaufen gehento go on a spending spree, to splash out (Brit inf)

    groß ausgehento go out somewhere expensive

    groß und breit (fig inf)at great length


    = besonders jdn groß anblickento give sb a hard stare

    groß in Mode sein — to be all the rage (inf)

    was ist das schon groß? (inf)big deal! (inf), so what? (inf)

    was soll man da schon groß machen/sagen? (inf) — what can you do/say?

    er hat sich nicht gerade groß für unsere Belange eingesetzt (inf)he didn't exactly put up a big fight for us

    * * *
    1) (large in size: a big car.) big
    2) (very large, larger etc than average: a great crowd of people at the football match.) great
    3) (great in size, amount etc; not small: a large number of people; a large house; a large family; This house is too large for two people.) large
    4) (fairly large: His income is quite sizeable, now that he has been promoted.) sizeable
    5) ((of people and thin or narrow objects such as buildings or trees) higher than normal: a tall man/tree.) tall
    6) ((of people) having a particular height: John is only four feet tall.) tall
    7) (great or large: He won by a wide margin.) wide
    * * *
    <größer, größte>
    I. adj
    1. (räumlich ausgedehnt) Gegenstand large, big; Buchstabe big, capital
    in \großen/größeren Formaten/Größen in large/larger formats/sizes
    2. (hoch aufragend) long
    ein \großer Kirchturm/Mast/Turm a high church steeple/pylon/tower
    3. (hoch gewachsen) Mensch tall
    du bist \groß geworden you've grown
    wie \groß bist du? how tall are you?
    er ist 1,78 m \groß he is 5 foot 10 [or 1.78m] [tall]
    ein \großer Baum/eine \große Vase a tall tree/vase
    4. (zeitlich ausgedehnt) Pause, Zeitraum long; Rede a. lengthy
    auf \große[r] Fahrt on a long journey
    die \großen Ferien the summer holidays BRIT, the summer vacation AM
    die \große Pause SCH mid-morning break
    5. (älter) big, elder, older
    die G\großen pl (die Erwachsenen) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children; (fam)
    das ist Anita, unsere G\große this is Anita, our eldest
    wenn ich \groß bin... when I'm grown up...
    mein \großer Bruder/meine \große Schwester my elder brother/my elder sister
    mit etw dat \groß geworden sein to have grown up with sth
    G\groß und Klein young and old [alike]
    im G\großen einkaufen to buy in bulk
    die \große Masse most [or the majority] of the people
    ein \großer Teil der Bevölkerung a large part of the population
    was für eine \große Freude! how delightful!
    du redest ganz \großen Unsinn you're talking complete rubbish
    was ist denn das für ein \großer Lärm auf der Straße? what's all that noise in the street?
    macht doch nicht so einen \großen Lärm! don't make so much noise!
    \große Angst haben to be terribly afraid [or frightened]
    ein \großer Aufstieg a meteoric rise
    eine \große Beeinträchtigung a major impairment
    ein \großer Betrag a large amount
    eine \große Dummheit sheer stupidity
    ein \großer Durchbruch/Reinfall a major breakthrough/disaster
    eine \große Enttäuschung a great [or deep] [or profound] disappointment
    mit \großer Geschwindigkeit at high [or great] speed
    \großen Hunger haben to be terribly hungry
    \großes Leid great [or deep] [or profound] sorrow
    ein \großer Misserfolg an abject [or a dismal] failure
    \große Nachfrage a big demand
    eine \große Preissteigerung a massive price rise [or increase]
    ein \großer Schrecken a nasty fright
    \große Schwierigkeiten serious [or real] trouble
    \große Wut unbridled fury
    \großer Zorn deep [or profound] anger
    8. (bedeutend) great
    etwas/nichts G\großes something/nothing great
    sie hat in ihrem Leben nichts G\großes geleistet she never achieved anything great [or major] in her life, she did not achieve great things in her life
    mit diesem Gemälde hat sie etwas G\großes geschaffen she has created something great [or profound] with this painting
    ein \großer Konzern/ein \großes Unternehmen a leading [or major] group/company
    9. (besonders gut) big
    im Meckern ist sie ganz \groß she's quite good at moaning
    ich bin kein \großer Esser/Trinker I'm not a big eater/drinker
    ich bin kein \großer Redner I'm no [or not a] great speaker
    ... der G\große... the Great
    Friedrich der G\große Frederick the Great
    11. (großes Glas) large, big
    ein G\großes [o ein \großes Bier] ≈ a pint [of beer] BRIT, rare a large beer
    nach den drei \großen Bier war ich ziemlich angeheitert I felt quite merry fam [or fam tipsy] after three pints [of beer]
    im G\großen und Ganzen [gesehen] on the whole, by and large
    \großes Geld notes BRIT, bills AM
    ich habe nur \großes Geld I haven't any change on me; s.a. klein
    II. adv
    1. (fam: besonders)
    was ist da jetzt schon \groß dabei! big deal! fam
    er hat sich aber nicht gerade \groß für uns eingesetzt! he didn't exactly do very much [or put himself out much] for us!
    was soll man da schon \groß sagen? you can't really say very much
    ich habe mich nie \groß für Politik interessiert I've never been particularly interested in politics
    \groß einsteigen to go in for sth in a big way
    sie ist ganz \groß in die Politik eingestiegen she's gone into politics in a big way
    [mit etw dat] [ganz] \groß rauskommen to have a real success [or big hit] with sth
    2. (von weitem Ausmaß)
    \groß angelegt large-scale
    eine \groß angelegte Offensive a full-scale offensive [or attack
    3. MODE
    etw größer machen Hosen etc. to let out sth sep
    4. (nicht klein)
    \groß kariert MODE large-checked attr
    \groß und breit (fam) at great length
    \groß machen (kindersprache fam) to do number two [or BRIT a pooh] childspeak fam
    * * *
    größer, größt... Adjektiv
    1) big; big, large <house, window, area, room, etc.>; large < pack, size, can, etc.>; great <length, width, height>; tall < person>

    große Eier/Kartoffeln — large eggs/potatoes

    eine große Terz/Sekunde — (Musik) a major third/second

    ein großes Bier, bitte — a pint, please

    2) (eine bestimmte Größe aufweisend)

    1 m2/2 ha groß — 1 m2/2 ha in area

    sie ist 1,75 m groß — she is 1.75 m tall

    doppelt/dreimal so groß wie... — twice/three times the size of...

    3) (älter) big <brother, sister>

    seine größere Schwesterhis elder sister

    unsere Große/unser Großer — our eldest or oldest daughter/son

    4) (erwachsen) grown-up <children, son, daughter>

    [mit etwas] groß werden — grow up [with something]

    die Großen(Erwachsene) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children

    Groß und Klein — old and young [alike]

    5) (lange dauernd) long, lengthy <delay, talk, explanation, pause>

    die großen Ferien(Schulw.) the summer holidays or (Amer.) long vacation sing.

    die große Pause(Schulw.) [mid-morning] break

    große Summen/Kosten — large sums/heavy costs

    7) (außerordentlich) great <pleasure, pain, hunger, anxiety, hurry, progress, difficulty, mistake, importance>; intense <heat, cold>; high < speed>

    ihre/seine große Liebe — her/his great love

    8) (gewichtig) great; major < producer, exporter>; great, major < event>

    ein großer Augenblick/Tag — a great moment/day

    große Wortegrand or fine words

    [k]eine große Rolle spielen — [not] play a great or an important part

    die Großen [der Welt] — the great figures [of our world]

    9) nicht präd. (glanzvoll) grand <celebration, ball, etc.>

    die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen — (iron.) play the fine lady/gentleman

    10) (bedeutend) great, major < artist, painter, work>

    Katharina die Große — Catherine the Great; s. auch Karl

    die große Linie/der große Zusammenhangthe basic line/the overall context

    in großen Zügen od. Umrissen — in broad outline

    im Großen [und] Ganzen — by and large; on the whole

    12) (geh.): (selbstlos) noble <deed etc.>

    ein großes Herz haben — be great-hearted

    13) (ugs.): (großspurig)

    große Reden schwingen od. (salopp) Töne spucken — talk big (coll.)


    groß geschrieben werden — (fig. ugs.) be stressed or emphasized

    groß machen(Kinderspr.) do number two (child lang.)

    2) (ugs.): (aufwendig)
    3) (ugs.): (besonders) greatly; particularly
    4) (ugs.): (großartig)

    sie steht ganz groß dashe has made it big (coll.) or made the big time (coll.)

    * * *
    groß; größer, am größten
    A. adj
    1. big (besonders gefühlsbetont); Haus, Fläche etc: large; Land: vast; Baum, Gebäude etc: (hoch) tall; (riesig) huge; Person: tall;
    Wagen ASTRON Great Bear, Ursa Major fachspr;
    ein großes Gebäude a big(, tall) building;
    der Große Ozean GEOG the Pacific (Ocean);
    die Großen Seen GEOG the Great Lakes;
    große Zehe big toe;
    großer Buchstabe capital letter;
    Gut mit großem G good with a capital G;
    wir sprechen hier von Geiz mit einem großen G fig, pej we’re talking about meanness with a capital M here;
    groß machen/müssen kinderspr do/have to do big jobs
    2. an Ausmaß, Intensität, Wert etc: great; Fehler, Lärm, Unterschied etc: auch big; Entfernung: great, long; Geschwindigkeit: high; Hitze, Kälte, Schmerzen etc: intense; Kälte: auch severe; Verlust: heavy; Wissen: extensive, wide; (tief) profound; MUS, Intervall, Terz: major; Angeber, Angsthase, Feigling etc: terrible, dreadful;
    (auf) groß stellen (Heizung, Herd etc) set on high, turn up;
    großes Bier large one, Br etwa pint, US 16 ouncer;
    große Ferien summer holiday(s), long vacation;
    zu meiner großen Freude to my great joy ( oder pleasure);
    großes Geld umg (Scheine) notes pl, US bills pl; (viel Geld) a lot of money;
    wie komme ich an das große Geld? umg how do I get into the big money?;
    großes Glück haben be very lucky;
    großen Hunger haben be very hungry; stärker: be starving;
    große Mehrheit great majority;
    große Pause long (mid-morning) break;
    ein Fest im großen Rahmen a celebration on the grand scale;
    große Schritte machen make great progress;
    zum großen Teil largely, for the most part;
    eine große Zahl von a large number of, a great many; Liebe, Mode etc
    wie groß ist er? how tall is he?;
    er ist … groß he’s … (tall); das Grundstück
    ist 600 m2
    groß is 600 metres (US -ers) square;
    ist drei mal fünf Meter groß is five metres (US -ers) square ( oder each way);
    gleich groß Personen: the same height, as tall as each other; Flächen, Kleidungsstücke etc: the same size;
    so groß wie ein Fußballfeld the size of a football pitch (US soccer field);
    war dreimal so groß wie der der Konkurrenz was three times that of our rivals
    4. (erwachsen) grown-up; (älter) big;
    große Schwester big sister;
    groß werden Kinder: grow up;
    zu groß werden für outgrow sth, get too big for;
    er ist nur ein großes Kind he’s just a big baby;
    Groß und Klein young and old
    5. fig Augenblick, Entdeckung, Erfolg, Tag, Tat etc: great; (bedeutend) major, important; (großartig) grand, magnificent; Pläne, Ziele: great, grand, big; Künstler, Dichter etc: great;
    große Politik national (bzw international) politics, the political big time umg;
    große Worte big words;
    Friedrich der Große Frederick the Great;
    Karl der Große Charlemagne;
    die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen iron play the great lady/lord;
    große Reden schwingen iron talk big;
    6. (allgemein, wesentlich) broad, general;
    die große Linie verfolgen follow the main lines, stick to the basic ( oder broad) principles;
    den großen Zusammenhang erkennen see the big picture;
    in großen Zügen in broad outline
    7. umg (gut):
    das war ganz groß! that was really great!;
    große Klasse she’s really good ( oder she’s brilliant) at arithmetic;
    im Angeben/Geldausgeben ist er (ganz) groß iron he’s very good at showing off/spending money;
    ich bin kein großer Tänzer etc I’m not much of a dancer etc;
    ich bin kein großer Freund von Partys/Suppe I’m not a great one for parties/soup, I’m not particularly fond of parties/soup;
    er ist ein großer Schweiger/kein großer Esser he’s not a great talker/eater
    8. (edel):
    ein großes Herz haben have a noble ( oder generous) heart
    9. (aufwändig) Empfang, Fest etc: big, lavish;
    in großer Aufmachung Bericht etc: prominently featured, splashed across the page; Person: in full dress;
    in großer Garderobe in full dress; Auge, Bahnhof, Glocke etc, Große1, größer, größt…
    B. adv
    1. big;
    groß gedruckt in large letters ( oder print);
    groß gemustert with a large pattern;
    groß kariert large-checked;
    er sah mich nur groß an he just stared at me;
    groß und breit dastehen umg, unübersehbar: stand out; stärker: stick out like a sore thumb; auch großschreiben, großgebaut etc
    groß angelegt Aktion etc: large-scale, full-scale;
    groß ausgehen umg have a real night out;
    jemanden/etwas groß herausbringen umg pull out all the stops for sb/sth, give sb/sth a tremendous build-up
    3. umg:
    groß angeben talk big; um einzuschüchtern: throw one’s weight around ( oder about);
    groß auftreten act big;
    4. (edel) denken, handeln etc: nobly
    5. (gut):
    groß in Form in great form;
    beim Publikum groß ankommen be a big hit with the audience;
    6. umg:
    er kümmert sich nicht groß darum he doesn’t really bother about it;
    was ist schon groß dabei? so what?, US auch (so) what’s the big deal?;
    was gibt es da groß zu sagen? what can you say?;
    was gibt’s da noch groß zu fragen? is there really anything more we need to ask?;
    was kann das schon groß kosten? it can’t be very expensive, can it?;
    was war los? -
    was soll schon groß gewesen sein? what do you think happened?
    * * *
    größer, größt... Adjektiv
    1) big; big, large <house, window, area, room, etc.>; large <pack, size, can, etc.>; great <length, width, height>; tall < person>

    große Eier/Kartoffeln — large eggs/potatoes

    eine große Terz/Sekunde — (Musik) a major third/second

    ein großes Bier, bitte — a pint, please

    1 m2/2 ha groß — 1 m2/2 ha in area

    sie ist 1,75 m groß — she is 1.75 m tall

    doppelt/dreimal so groß wie... — twice/three times the size of...

    3) (älter) big <brother, sister>

    unsere Große/unser Großer — our eldest or oldest daughter/son

    4) (erwachsen) grown-up <children, son, daughter>

    [mit etwas] groß werden — grow up [with something]

    die Großen (Erwachsene) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children

    Groß und Klein — old and young [alike]

    5) (lange dauernd) long, lengthy <delay, talk, explanation, pause>

    die großen Ferien(Schulw.) the summer holidays or (Amer.) long vacation sing.

    die große Pause(Schulw.) [mid-morning] break

    große Summen/Kosten — large sums/heavy costs

    7) (außerordentlich) great <pleasure, pain, hunger, anxiety, hurry, progress, difficulty, mistake, importance>; intense <heat, cold>; high < speed>

    ihre/seine große Liebe — her/his great love

    8) (gewichtig) great; major <producer, exporter>; great, major < event>

    ein großer Augenblick/Tag — a great moment/day

    große Wortegrand or fine words

    [k]eine große Rolle spielen — [not] play a great or an important part

    die Großen [der Welt] — the great figures [of our world]

    9) nicht präd. (glanzvoll) grand <celebration, ball, etc.>

    die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen — (iron.) play the fine lady/gentleman

    10) (bedeutend) great, major <artist, painter, work>

    Katharina die Große — Catherine the Great; s. auch Karl

    die große Linie/der große Zusammenhang — the basic line/the overall context

    in großen Zügen od. Umrissen — in broad outline

    im Großen [und] Ganzen — by and large; on the whole

    12) (geh.): (selbstlos) noble <deed etc.>
    13) (ugs.): (großspurig)

    große Reden schwingen od. (salopp) Töne spucken — talk big (coll.)


    groß geschrieben werden(fig. ugs.) be stressed or emphasized

    groß machen(Kinderspr.) do number two (child lang.)

    2) (ugs.): (aufwendig)
    3) (ugs.): (besonders) greatly; particularly
    4) (ugs.): (großartig)

    sie steht ganz groß dashe has made it big (coll.) or made the big time (coll.)

    * * *
    ample adj.
    big adj.
    capital adj.
    great adj.
    heavyset adj.
    large adj.
    sizable adj.
    tall adj. adv.
    largely adv.
    sizably adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > groß

  • 9 Produktion

    Produktion f IND production, manufacturing capacity, output, shop floor die Produktion ausweiten IND expand output die Produktion erhöhen IND increase production die Produktion steigern IND increase production die Produktion umschalten IND switch production etw. in Produktion geben IND put sth into production Produktion einschränken GEN, IND scale down production Produktion herunterfahren GEN, IND scale down production
    * * *
    f < Ind> production, manufacturing capacity, output, shop floor ■ die Produktion ausweiten < Ind> expand output ■ Produktion einschränken <Geschäft, Ind> scale down production ■ die Produktion erhöhen < Ind> increase production ■ Produktion herunterfahren <Geschäft, Ind> scale down production ■ die Produktion steigern < Ind> increase production ■ die Produktion umschalten < Ind> switch production ■ etw. in Produktion geben < Ind> put sth into production
    * * *
    production, producing, output, manufacture, manufacturing, outturn, make;
    aus örtlicher Produktion home-grown;
    abnehmende Produktion ebbing production;
    mit hohen Selbstkosten arbeitende Produktion high-cost production;
    beanstandete Produktion rejected production;
    bedarfsgerechte Produktion production on demand;
    billige Produktion low-cost production;
    computerüberwachte Produktion computer-aided machining;
    durchschnittliche Produktion average production;
    einheimische Produktion home (domestic) production;
    erhöhte Produktion increased production;
    fabrikmäßige Produktion mass (series) production;
    gedrosselte Produktion curtailed production;
    gekoppelte Produktion combined production;
    gelenkte Produktion controlled production;
    genormte Produktion standardized production;
    geplante Produktion budgeted production;
    gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion overall economic output;
    patentamtlich (urheberrechtlich) geschützte Produktion copyrighted productions;
    gewerbliche Produktion factory production;
    gleichmäßige Produktion steady production;
    großbetriebliche Produktion large-scale (wholesale) production;
    handwerkliche Produktion manual production;
    industrielle Produktion industrial production;
    inländische Produktion domestic (home) production;
    jährliche Produktion annual production;
    landwirtschaftliche Produktion agricultural (farm) production, farm output;
    laufende Produktion current production;
    innerhalb der Rentabilität liegende Produktion marginal production;
    lohnintensive Produktion wage-intensive production;
    maschinelle Produktion machine production;
    minderwertige Produktion irregulars;
    mittelbare Produktion indirect production;
    monatliche Produktion monthly production;
    nachhinkende Produktion lag in production;
    rückläufige Produktion falling (declining, receding) production;
    saisonbedingte Produktion seasonal production;
    schlanke Produktion lean production;
    schrumpfende Produktion contracting (falling) production, contraction of production;
    serienmäßige Produktion serial (series, volume) production, production in bulk;
    stetige Produktion settled production;
    stillgelegte Produktion non-production;
    tägliche Produktion daily output;
    teure Produktion high-cost (expensive) production;
    überschüssige Produktion surplus production;
    verbundene Produktion joint production;
    vergesellschaftete Produktion socialized production;
    verminderte Produktion curtailed production;
    vorgesehene Produktion proposed production;
    vorübergehende Produktion change-over production;
    wirkliche Produktion genuine production;
    zurückgewiesene Produktion rejected production;
    Produktion vor Auftragseingang speculative production;
    Produktion bei voller Auslastung capacity output;
    Produktion am laufenden Band moving-band production, assembly-line technique, line (belt-system of) production;
    Produktion je Beschäftigtenstunde production per man-hour;
    Produktion nur auf Bestellung intermittent manufacturing;
    Produktion für den Eigenbedarf in-house manufacture;
    Produktion der Euro-Banknoten printing of the euro;
    Produktion mit großen Exportmöglichkeiten output of high export potential;
    Produktion schnell verbrauchter Güter soft-goods production;
    Produktion der verarbeitenden Industrie manufacturing production;
    Produktion pro Kopf per-capita production;
    Produktion an der Kostengrenze marginal production;
    Produktion von Massengütern large-scale (wholesale) production, production of manufactured goods;
    Produktion an Ort und Stelle on-the-spot production;
    Produktion abbremsen to put a check on production;
    Produktion ankurbeln to crank up production;
    Produktion den Absatzmöglichkeiten anpassen to match production to the absorption capacities;
    Produktion der Nachfrage anpassen (angleichen) to tailor (gear) production to demand;
    Produktion anregen to stimulate production;
    in der Produktion arbeiten to work on the assembly line;
    bei geringerer Produktion wirtschaftlicher arbeiten to work economically at a lower output;
    Produktion aufnehmen to go into production;
    Produktion auslagern to relocate production;
    wesentlichen Teil der Produktion ausmachen to form the bulk of production;
    mit der Produktion beginnen to go into production;
    sofort wieder mit der Produktion beginnen to rush into production;
    Produktion beschränken to curtail production;
    Produktion auf den Höchststand bringen to raise production to a maximum;
    Produktion drosseln (einschränken) to reduce the output, to restrain (curb, curtail, cut, slash, check, restrict) production;
    Produktion künstlich einschränken to ca’canny;
    Produktion einstellen to discontinue production (the manufacture), to fold up, to phase out;
    Produktion erhöhen to step up production;
    Produktion fördern to stimulate (promote) production;
    in Produktion gehen to go into production;
    Produktion in Gang halten to keep industry going (production wheels humming; seine Produktion auf dem Stand (Niveau) von 2002 halten to keep production at its 2002 level;
    Produktion hochtreiben to gear up production;
    Produktion programmieren to scale production;
    in der Produktion begriffen sein to be in process of production;
    Produktion steigern to step up (increase) production;
    Produktion stilllegen to halt production lines;
    Produktion umstellen to convert production;
    Produktion verlangsamen (verringern) to slow down (reduce) production;
    Produktion zurückfahren to slow down production.

    Business german-english dictionary > Produktion

  • 10 голям

    big, large
    (порасъл, възрастен) grown. old
    (важен, значителен, и за държавник. учен, писател и пр.) great
    (за нос, очи, дърво, куче и пр.) big, large
    (за дъжд, сняг, дълг, лихва, безработица, мнозинство, разноски, поправки и пр.) heavy
    (за студ, наводнение, болка, изпитание, усилие и пр.) severe
    (за ваканция, крачка. разстояние и пр.) long
    (за цифра, скорост, похвала и пр.) high
    (възторжен, пламенен) keen, great
    (едър) walloping
    доста голям tolerable, of good proportions
    много голям sl. whopping
    твърде голям за too big/large for, ( в несъответствие с) out of (all) proportion to
    голям багаж bulky/heavy luggage
    голям бал/прием a grand ball/reception
    моят голям брат my elder/big brother
    той е с пет години по- голям от мене he's five years older than I (am)
    моят най- голям брат my eldest brother
    голям град a big/large/great city. a big/large town
    голям доход a large/high income
    голям залък too big a bite
    прен. a tall order; tough going
    голям залък хапни, голяма дума не казвай don't be too sure
    голям избор a big selection, a wide choice
    голям интерес deep/keen/great interest
    голям късмет a lot of luck; a great piece of luck
    в голям мащаб on a big/large scale; wholesale
    largescale (attr.), голям мраз hard frost
    голям огън a big/large fire
    воен. heavy fire
    голям опит wide/large experience
    голям почитател a great/dedicated admirer
    голям пръст thumb, ( на крак) big/great toe
    голям пушек clouds/volumes of smoke
    голям чиновник a high official
    голям човек (възрастен) a grown-up, an adult
    вж. големец
    голям шум a great/loud noise
    голяма буква a capital letter
    голяма гордост great/intense pride
    голяма грешка a serious/grave mistake, a major error; a blunder
    голяма заплата a high salary
    голяма дума a large statement
    голяма книга a long book. ( добра) a great book
    голяма конкуренция severe/keen competition
    голяма къща a large house
    голяма любов a grand passion
    голяма начетеност wide reading, knowledgeability
    голяма обиколка an extensive tour
    голям а опасност grave danger
    голяма прилика a strong resemblance
    голям а разлика a wide/big/great difference
    голяма река a big/great river
    голяма сватба a grand wedding
    голяма сила great strength
    по- голям а сила superior strength
    голяма смелост high/great courage
    голяма София greater Sofia
    голяма тежест a great/heavy weight
    голяма уста a large mouth
    с голяма бързина in great haste
    с голяма скорост with/at great speed, at (a) high speed
    с най- голяма бързина in all haste
    с най- голяма скорост with all speed
    голяма крачка напред a long/great stride forward
    голяма промяна a great change, an upheaval
    до голяма степен in large measure/part, to a great degree/extent, largely
    в най- голяма степен in the utmost degree
    голяма част от a good/large part of
    по- голям ата част от the best/greater part of, most of
    в по- голямата си част for the most part, mainly, chiefly
    най- голям ата страст на o.'s ruling passion
    за моя голяма изненада to any great surprise, much to my surprise
    с голяма вътрешна борба with much mental conflict
    голямо внимание close attention
    с по- голямо внимание with more attention, more attentively
    голямо движение (на превозни сред-ства) heavy traffic
    голямо дете a grown-up/big child
    голямо име a great/big name
    голямо междучасие a long interval/break
    голямо облекчение intense/great relief
    голямо огледало a full-length mirror
    голямо парче chunk
    голямо прилежание steady/great application
    голямо разстояние a long distance
    от голямо разстояние from a far distance
    голямо семейство a large family
    голямо събитие a big/great event
    голямо търпение
    * * *
    прил., -а, -о, голѐми big, large; ( порасъл, възрастен) grown, old; ( важен, значителен ­ и за държавник, учен, писател и пр.) great; ( по-важен) major; (за нос, очи, дърво, куче и пр.) big, large; (за дъжд, сняг, дълг, лихва, безработица, мнозинство, разноски, поправки и пр.) heavy; (за студ, наводнение, болка, изпитание, усилие и пр.) severe; (за ваканция, крачка, разстояние и пр.) long; (за цифра, скорост, похвала и пр.) high; ( възторжен, пламенен) keen, great; ( едър) walloping; разг. jumbo; в \голям мащаб on a big/large-scale; wholesale; large-scale (attr.); в най-\голяма степен in the utmost degree; в по-\голямата си част for the most part, mainly, chiefly; големи крайници large limbs; големи надежди great/sanguine hopes; големи приказки big/tall talk; големите ( възрастните) the grown-ups; големият свят the great/wide world; \голям багаж bulky/heavy luggage; \голям бал/прием grand ball/reception; \голям град big/large/great city, big/large town; \голям доход large/high income; \голям залък too big a bite; прен. tall order; tough going; \голям избор big selection, wide choice; \голям интерес deep/keen/great interest; \голям късмет a lot of luck; a great piece of luck; \голям късметлия е he is not half lucky; \голям огън big/large fire; \голям опит wide/large experience; \голям почитател great/dedicated admirer; fan; \голям чиновник high official; \голям човек ( възрастен) grown-up, adult; ( големец) important person, big cheese; \голям шум great/loud noise; \голяма авария major accident; \голяма буква capital letter; \голяма отговорност grave/big responsibility; \голяма гордост great/intense pride; \голяма грешка serious/grave mistake, major error; blunder; \голяма дума large statement; \голяма заплата high salary; \голяма книга long book, ( добра) great book; \голяма конкуренция severe/keen competition; \голяма крачка напред long/great stride forward; \голяма любов grand passion; \голяма начетеност wide reading, knowledgeability; \голяма обиколка extensive tour; \голяма опасност grave danger; \голяма прилика strong resemblance; \голяма промяна great change, upheaval; \голяма разлика wide/big/great difference; \голяма сватба grand wedding; \голяма сила great strength; \голяма смелост high/great courage; \голяма тежест great/heavy weight; \голяма уста large mouth; \голяма част от a good/large part of; \голямо внимание close attention; \голямо движение (на превозни средства) heavy traffic; \голямо дете grown-up/big child; \голямо име great/big name; \голямо междучасие long break; \голямо огледало full-length mirror; \голямо парче chunk; \голямо прилежание steady/great application; \голямо разстояние long distance; \голямо семейство large family; \голямо събитие big/great event; \голямо търсене great/keen demand; \голямо удоволствие intense/great pleasure, delight; \голямо усилие hard/great/strenuous effort; до \голяма степен in large measure/part, to a great degree/extent, largely; доста \голям tolerable, of good proportions; за моя \голяма изненада to my great surprise, much to my surprise; много \голям sl. whopping; моят \голям брат my elder/big brother; (на) големи интервали (at) long/wide/far-flung intervals; най-\голямата страст на o.’s ruling passion; недостатъчно \голям on the small side; от \голямо разстояние from a far distance; по-\голям, най-\голям (за членове на семейство) elder, eldest; по-\голяма сила superior strength; по-\голямата част от the best/greater part of, most of; с \голяма бързина in great haste; с \голяма вътрешна борба with much mental conflict; с \голяма скорост with/at great speed, at (a) high speed; с най-\голяма бързина in all haste; с най-\голяма скорост with all speed; твърде \голям за too big/large for, (в несъответствие с) out of (all) proportion to; той е с пет години по-\голям от мене he’s five years older than I (am); • \голям ден, малка пита a short shrift and a long day; \голям залък лапни, \голяма дума не казвай don’t be too sure.
    * * *
    mountainous (прен.); big{big}; great; grand: a голям ball - голям бал; large; numerous; walloping (жарг.)
    * * *
    1. (no-важен) major 2. (важен, значителен, и за държавник. учен, писател и пр.) great 3. (възторжен, пламенен) keen, great 4. (едър) walloping 5. (за ваканция, крачка. разстояние и пр.) long 6. (за дъжд, сняг, дълг, лихва, безработица, мнозинство, разноски, поправки и пр.) heavy 7. (за нос, очи, дърво, куче и пр.) big, large 8. (за студ, наводнение, болка, изпитание, усилие и пр.) severe 9. (за цифра, скорост, похвала и пр.) high 10. (порасъл, възрастен) grown. old 11. big, large 12. c ГОЛЯМa бързина in great haste 13. largescale (attr.), ГОЛЯМ мраз hard frost 14. ГОЛЯМ а разлика a wide/big/great difference 15. ГОЛЯМ багаж bulky/heavy luggage 16. ГОЛЯМ бал/прием a grand ball/reception 17. ГОЛЯМ град а big/large/great city. a big/large town 18. ГОЛЯМ доход a large/high income 19. ГОЛЯМ залък too big a bite 20. ГОЛЯМ залък хапни, голяма дума не казвай don't be too sure 21. ГОЛЯМ избор а big selection, a wide choice 22. ГОЛЯМ интерес deep/ keen/great interest 23. ГОЛЯМ късмет a lot of luck;a great piece of luck 24. ГОЛЯМ огън a big/large fire 25. ГОЛЯМ опит wide/large experience 26. ГОЛЯМ почитател a great/dedicated admirer 27. ГОЛЯМ пръст thumb, (на крак) big/great toe 28. ГОЛЯМ пушек clouds/volumes of smoke 29. ГОЛЯМ чиновник a high official 30. ГОЛЯМ човек (възрастен) a grown-up, an adult 31. ГОЛЯМ шум а great/ loud noise 32. ГОЛЯМa София greater Sofia 33. ГОЛЯМa буква a capital letter 34. ГОЛЯМa гордост great/intense pride 35. ГОЛЯМa грешка a serious/grave mistake, a major error;a blunder 36. ГОЛЯМa дума a large statement 37. ГОЛЯМa заплата a high salary 38. ГОЛЯМa книга a long book. (добра) a great book 39. ГОЛЯМa конкуренция severe/keen competition 40. ГОЛЯМa крачка напред a long/great stride forward 41. ГОЛЯМa къща a large house 42. ГОЛЯМa любов a grand passion 43. ГОЛЯМa начетеност wide reading, knowledgeability 44. ГОЛЯМa обиколка an extensive tour: ГОЛЯМ а опасност grave danger 45. ГОЛЯМa прилика a strong resemblance 46. ГОЛЯМa промяна a great change, an upheaval 47. ГОЛЯМa река a big/great river 48. ГОЛЯМa сватба a grand wedding 49. ГОЛЯМa сила great strength 50. ГОЛЯМa смелост high/great courage 51. ГОЛЯМa тежест a great/heavy weight 52. ГОЛЯМa уста a large mouth 53. ГОЛЯМa част от a good/large part of 54. ГОЛЯМo внимание close attention 55. ГОЛЯМo движение (на превозни сред-ства) heavy traffic 56. ГОЛЯМo дете a grown-up/ big child 57. ГОЛЯМo междучасие a long interval/break 58. ГОЛЯМo облекчение intense/great relief 59. ГОЛЯМo огледало a full-length mirror 60. ГОЛЯМo разстояние a long distance 61. ГОЛЯМo семейство a large family 62. ГОЛЯМo търпение 63. ГОЛЯМо име a great/big name 64. ГОЛЯМо парче chunk 65. ГОЛЯМо прилежание steady/great application 66. ГОЛЯМо събитие a big/great event 67. в ГОЛЯМ мащаб on a big/ large scale;wholesale 68. в най-ГОЛЯМа степен in the utmost degree 69. в по-ГОЛЯМата си част for the most part, mainly, chiefly 70. вж. големец 71. воен. heavy fire 72. до ГОЛЯМa степен in large measure/part, to a great degree/ extent, largely 73. доста ГОЛЯМ tolerable, of good proportions 74. за моя ГОЛЯМa изненада to any great surprise, much to my surprise 75. много ГОЛЯМ sl. whopping 76. моят ГОЛЯМ брат my elder/big brother 77. моят най-ГОЛЯМ брат my eldest brother 78. най-ГОЛЯМ ата страст на o.'s ruling passion 79. недостатъчно ГОЛЯМ on the small side 80. от ГОЛЯМо разстояние from a far distance 81. пo- ГОЛЯМ, най- ГОЛЯМ (за членове на семейство) elder, eldest 82. пo-ГОЛЯМ а сила superior strength 83. пo-ГОЛЯМ ата част от the best/greater part of, most of 84. прен. a tall order;tough going 85. с ГОЛЯМa вътрешна борба with much mental conflict 86. с ГОЛЯМa скорост with/at great speed, at (a) high speed 87. с най-ГОЛЯМa скорост with all speed 88. с най-ГОЛЯМа бързина in all haste 89. с пo-ГОЛЯМo внимание with more attention, more attentively 90. твърде ГОЛЯМ за too big/large for, (в несъответствие с) out of (all) proportion to 91. той е с пет години по-ГОЛЯМ от мене he's five years older than I (am)

    Български-английски речник > голям

  • 11 small

    1. adjective
    1) (in size) klein; gering [Wirkung, Appetit, Fähigkeit]; schmal [Taille, Handgelenk]; dünn [Stimme]

    it's a small worlddie Welt ist klein

    2) attrib. (small-scale) klein; Klein[aktionär, -sparer, -händler, -betrieb, -bauer]
    4) (of the smaller kind) klein

    small letter — Kleinbuchstabe, der

    feel small(fig.) sich (Dat.) ganz klein vorkommen

    make somebody feel/look small — (fig.) jemanden beschämen/ein schlechtes Licht auf jemanden werfen

    5) (not much) wenig

    demand for/interest in the product was small — die Nachfrage nach/das Interesse an dem Produkt war gering

    [it's] small wonder — [es ist] kein Wunder

    6) (trifling) klein

    we have a few small matters/points/problems to clear up before... — es sind noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu klären, bevor...

    7) (minor) unbedeutend
    8) (petty) kleinlich (abwertend)
    2. noun

    small of the back — Kreuz, das

    3. adverb
    * * *
    1) (little in size, degree, importance etc; not large or great: She was accompanied by a small boy of about six; There's only a small amount of sugar left; She cut the meat up small for the baby.) klein
    2) (not doing something on a large scale: He's a small businessman.) klein
    3) (little; not much: You have small reason to be satisfied with yourself.) wenig
    4) ((of the letters of the alphabet) not capital: The teacher showed the children how to write a capital G and a small g.) klein
    - academic.ru/118481/small_ads">small ads
    - small arms
    - small change
    - small hours
    - smallpox
    - small screen
    - small-time
    - feel/look small
    * * *
    [smɔ:l, AM also smɑ:l]
    I. adj
    1. (not large) klein
    he's quite \small for his age er ist ziemlich klein für sein Alter
    \small amount geringer Betrag
    \small circulation MEDIA niedrige Auflage
    \small craft NAUT [kleines] Boot
    \small fortune kleines Vermögen
    \small number/quantity kleine [o geringe] Menge/Zahl
    \small percentage geringe Prozentzahl
    in \small quantities in kleinen Mengen
    \small street enge Straße
    \small town Kleinstadt f
    \small turnout geringe Beteiligung
    2. (young) klein
    \small child Kleinkind nt
    3. (insignificant) klein, unbedeutend
    \small consolation ein schwacher Trost
    no \small feat keine schlechte Leistung
    \small wonder kein Wunder
    to feel \small sich dat klein und unbedeutend vorkommen
    to look \small schlecht dastehen
    to make sb look \small jdn niedermachen fam
    4. (on a limited scale) klein, bescheiden
    \small investor Kleinanleger(in) m(f)
    in a \small way bescheiden, im Kleinen
    in sb's own \small way auf jds eigene bescheidene Art
    5. TYPO
    \small letter Kleinbuchstabe m
    to be grateful [or thankful] for \small mercies mit wenig zufrieden sein
    it's a \small world! ( prov) die Welt ist klein!
    II. n no pl
    the \small of the [or one's] back ANAT, ZOOL das Kreuz
    III. adv think, plan in kleinem Rahmen
    * * *
    1. adj (+er)
    1) klein; supply, stock klein, gering; waist schmal; (= not much) reason, desire wenig, gering; effort gering

    small in size — von geringer Größe, klein

    the smallest possible number of booksso wenig Bücher wie möglich

    to have a small appetite —

    it's written with a small "e" — es wird mit kleinem "e" geschrieben

    he/it made me feel pretty small — da kam ich mir ziemlich klein vor

    to be of small concern to sbjdn nur wenig betreffen

    2) (= unimportant, minor) klein; present, sum klein, bescheiden; importance, consequence gering

    a few small matters/problems —

    to be of no small consequencenicht unbeträchtliche Folgen haben

    to help/contribute in a small way —

    3) (= quiet) voice leise
    4) (fig: mean, petty) person kleinlich
    2. n
    2) pl (Brit inf) Unterwäsche f
    3. adv
    * * *
    small [smɔːl]
    A adj
    1. allg klein:
    cut small klein schneiden;
    make o.s. small sich kleinmachen;
    the smallest room Br die Toilette; ad1, intestine A
    2. klein, schmächtig (Junge etc)
    3. klein, gering (Anzahl, Grad etc):
    a small fortune ein kleines Vermögen;
    they came in small numbers es kamen nur wenige;
    I’ve only got small appetite ich habe nur wenig Appetit;
    small eater schlechte(r) Esser(in);
    small saver Kleinsparer(in)
    4. wenig:
    small blame to him ihn trifft kaum eine Schuld;
    have small cause for kaum Anlass zu Dankbarkeit etc haben
    5. klein, armselig, dürftig
    6. klein, mit wenig Besitz:
    small businessman kleiner Geschäftsmann;
    small farmer Kleinbauer m, -bäuerin f
    7. klein, (sozial) niedrig:
    small people kleine Leute
    8. unbedeutend, klein (Dichter etc)
    9. bescheiden, klein (Anfang etc)
    10. klein, trivial:
    the small worries die kleinen Sorgen;
    a small matter eine Kleinigkeit oder Bagatelle;
    a) bescheiden leben etc,
    b) im Kleinen handeln etc
    11. pej kleinlich
    12. pej niedrig, moralisch verwerflich (Charakter etc)
    13. klein umg, beschämt:
    feel small sich klein (u. hässlich) vorkommen, sich schämen;
    make sb feel small jemanden beschämen;
    look small beschämt dastehen
    14. schwach, klein (Stimme):
    the small voice of conscience die Stimme des Gewissens
    15. obs dünn (Bier etc)
    B adv
    1. fein, klein
    2. ängstlich: sing A 1
    3. auf bescheidene Art
    4. gering(schätzig):
    think small kleinkariert denken pej;
    think small of sb auf jemanden herabsehen
    C s
    1. (das) Kleine, (etwas) Kleines
    2. schmal(st)er oder verjüngter Teil:
    3. pl besonders Br umg Unterwäsche f, Taschentücher pl etc:
    wash one’s smalls seine kleine Wäsche waschen
    S abk small S
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (in size) klein; gering [Wirkung, Appetit, Fähigkeit]; schmal [Taille, Handgelenk]; dünn [Stimme]
    2) attrib. (small-scale) klein; Klein[aktionär, -sparer, -händler, -betrieb, -bauer]
    3) (young, not fully grown) klein

    small letter — Kleinbuchstabe, der

    feel small(fig.) sich (Dat.) ganz klein vorkommen

    make somebody feel/look small — (fig.) jemanden beschämen/ein schlechtes Licht auf jemanden werfen

    5) (not much) wenig

    demand for/interest in the product was small — die Nachfrage nach/das Interesse an dem Produkt war gering

    [it's] small wonder — [es ist] kein Wunder

    6) (trifling) klein

    we have a few small matters/points/problems to clear up before... — es sind noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu klären, bevor...

    7) (minor) unbedeutend
    8) (petty) kleinlich (abwertend)
    2. noun

    small of the back — Kreuz, das

    3. adverb
    * * *
    gering adj.
    klein adj.
    unbedeutend adj. adj.
    zu klein adj.

    English-german dictionary > small

  • 12 groß;

    größer, am größten
    I Adj.
    1. big (bes. gefühlsbetont); Haus, Fläche etc.: large; Land: vast; Baum, Gebäude etc.: (hoch) tall; (riesig) huge; Person: tall; Großer Bär oder Wagen ASTRON. Great Bear, Ursa Major fachspr.; ein großes Gebäude a big(, tall) building; der Große Ozean GEOG. the Pacific (Ocean); die Großen Seen GEOG. the Great Lakes; große Zehe big toe; großer Buchstabe capital letter; Gut mit großem G good with a capital G; wir sprechen hier von Geiz mit einem großen G fig., pej. we’re talking about meanness with a capital M here; groß machen / müssen Kinderspr. do / have to do big jobs
    2. an Ausmaß, Intensität, Wert etc.: great; Fehler, Lärm, Unterschied etc.: auch big; Entfernung: great, long; Geschwindigkeit: high; Hitze, Kälte, Schmerzen etc.: intense; Kälte: auch severe; Verlust: heavy; Wissen: extensive, wide; (tief) profound; MUS., Intervall, Terz: major; Angeber, Angsthase, Feigling etc.: terrible, dreadful; ( auf) groß stellen (Heizung, Herd etc.) set on high, turn up; großes Bier large one, Brit. etwa pint, Am. 16 ouncer; wir waren zu Hause eine große Familie we were a large family; große Ferien summer holiday(s), long vacation; zu meiner großen Freude to my great joy ( oder pleasure); großes Geld umg. (Scheine) notes Pl., Am. bills Pl.; (viel Geld) a lot of money; wie komme ich an das große Geld? umg. how do I get into the big money?; großes Glück haben be very lucky; großen Hunger haben be very hungry; stärker: be starving; große Mehrheit great majority; große Pause long (mid-morning) break; ein Fest im großen Rahmen a celebration on the grand scale; große Schritte machen make great progress; zum großen Teil largely, for the most part; eine große Zahl von a large number of, a great many; Liebe, Mode etc.
    3. mit Maßangabe: wie groß ist er? how tall is he?; er ist... groß he’s... (tall); das Grundstück ist 600 m2 groß is 600 met|res (Am. -ers) square; das Zimmer ist drei mal fünf Meter groß is five met|res (Am. -ers) square ( oder each way); gleich groß Personen: the same height, as tall as each other; Flächen, Kleidungsstücke etc.: the same size; so groß wie ein Fußballfeld the size of a football pitch (Am. soccer field); unser Umsatz war dreimal so groß wie der der Konkurrenz was three times that of our rivals
    4. (erwachsen) grown-up; (älter) big; große Schwester big sister; groß werden Kinder: grow up; zu groß werden für outgrow s.th., get too big for; er ist nur ein großes Kind he’s just a big baby; Groß und Klein young and old
    5. fig. Augenblick, Entdeckung, Erfolg, Tag, Tat etc.: great; (bedeutend) major, important; (großartig) grand, magnificent; Pläne, Ziele: great, grand, big; Künstler, Dichter etc.: great; große Politik national (bzw. international) politics, the political big time umg.; große Worte big words; Friedrich der Große Frederick the Great; Karl der Große Charlemagne; die große Dame / den großen Herrn spielen iro. play the great lady / lord; große Reden schwingen iro. talk big; Groß und Klein standesmäßig: high and low
    6. (allgemein, wesentlich) broad, general; die große Linie verfolgen follow the main lines, stick to the basic ( oder broad) principles; den großen Zusammenhang erkennen see the big picture; im großen Ganzen overall; in großen Zügen in broad outline
    7. umg. (gut): das war ganz groß! that was really great!; im Rechnen ist sie ganz groß oder große Klasse she’s really good ( oder she’s brilliant) at arithmetic; im Angeben / Geldausgeben ist er ( ganz) groß iro. he’s very good at showing off / spending money; ich bin kein großer Tänzer etc. I’m not much of a dancer etc.; ich bin kein großer Freund von Partys / Suppe I’m not a great one for parties / soup, I’m not particularly fond of parties / soup; er ist ein großer Schweiger / kein großer Esser he’s not a great talker / eater
    8. (edel): ein großes Herz haben have a noble ( oder generous) heart
    9. (aufwändig) Empfang, Fest etc.: big, lavish; in großer Aufmachung Bericht etc.: prominently featured, splashed across the page; Person: in full dress; in großer Garderobe in full dress; Auge, Bahnhof, Glocke etc., Große1, Große2, größer, größt...
    II Adv.
    1. big; groß gebaut oder gewachsen Person: big; groß gedruckt in large letters ( oder print); groß gemustert with a large pattern; groß kariert large-checked; er sah mich nur groß an he just stared at me; groß und breit dastehen umg., unübersehbar: stand out; stärker: stick out like a sore thumb; groß geschrieben werden fig. rank very high, be a high priority, be considered very important; (begehrt sein) be very much in demand; bei ihm wird Pünktlichkeit groß geschrieben auch he sets great store by punctuality
    2. (aufwändig): groß angelegt Aktion etc.: large-scale, full-scale; groß ausgehen umg. have a real night out; jemanden / etw. groß herausbringen umg. pull out all the stops for s.o. / s.th., give s.o. / s.th. a tremendous build-up
    3. umg.: groß angeben talk big; um einzuschüchtern: throw one’s weight around ( oder about); groß auftreten act big; groß daherreden talk big
    4. (edel) denken, handeln etc.: nobly
    5. (gut): groß in Form in great form; beim Publikum groß ankommen be a big hit with the audience; ganz groß dastehen (Erfolg haben) do brilliantly
    6. umg.: er kümmert sich nicht groß darum he doesn’t really bother about it; was ist schon groß dabei? so what?, Am. auch (so) what’s the big deal?; was gibt es da groß zu sagen? what can you say?; was gibt’s da noch groß zu fragen? is there really anything more we need to ask?; was kann das schon groß kosten? it can’t be very expensive, can it?; was war los? - was soll schon groß gewesen sein? what do you think happened?

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > groß;

  • 13 groß

    groß <größer, größte> [ʼgro:s] adj
    1) (flächenmäßig, räumlich ausgedehnt) large, big
    2) (\großes Glas) large, big;
    ein \großes Bier a pint [of beer] ( Brit), rare a large beer;
    nach den drei \großen Bier war ich ziemlich angeheitert I felt quite merry ( fam); [or ( fam) tipsy] after three pints [of beer];
    ein G\großes a pint [of beer] ( Brit), rare a large beer
    3) ( lang) long;
    ein \großer Mast/ Turm/ Kirchturm a high pylon/tower/church steeple
    in \großen/ größeren Formaten/ Größen in large/larger formats/sizes;
    mit \großer Geschwindigkeit at high [or great] speed;
    im G\groß einkaufen to buy in bulk
    5) (hoch, hoch gewachsen) tall;
    du bist \groß geworden you've grown;
    er ist 1,78 m \groß he is 5 foot 10 [or 1.78m] [tall];
    ein \großer Baum/eine \große Vase a tall tree/vase
    6) ( älter) big, elder, older;
    die G\großen ( die Erwachsenen) the grown-ups;
    ( ältere Kinder) the older children;
    jds G\große/jds G\großer ( fam) sb's eldest [or oldest] [daughter/son];
    das ist Anita, unsere G\große this is Anita, our eldest;
    wenn ich \groß bin when I'm grown up;
    G\groß und Klein young and old [alike];
    mit etw dat \groß geworden sein to have grown up with sth
    7) ( zeitlich ausgedehnt) long, lengthy;
    auf große[r] Fahrt on a long journey
    8) ( bevölkerungsreich) large, big;
    ( zahlreich) large;
    die \große Masse most [or the majority] of the people;
    ein \großer Teil der Bevölkerung a large part of the population
    9) ( erheblich) great;
    ein \großer Aufstieg a meteoric rise;
    ein \großer Durchbruch/ Reinfall a major breakthrough/disaster;
    ein \großer Misserfolg an abject [or a dismal] failure
    10) ( hoch) large;
    ein \großer Betrag a large amount;
    eine \große Preissteigerung a massive price rise [or increase];
    11) ( beträchtlich) great;
    \große Angst haben [o empfinden] to be terribly afraid [or frightened];
    eine \große Beeinträchtigung a major impairment;
    eine \große Dummheit sheer stupidity;
    [eine] \große Enttäuschung [a] great [or deep] [or profound] disappointment;
    \großes Leid great [or deep] [or profound] sorrow;
    \große Nachfrage a big demand;
    ein \großer Schrecken a nasty fright;
    \große Schwierigkeiten serious [or real] trouble;
    \große Wut unbridled fury;
    \großer Zorn deep [or profound] anger;
    was für eine \große Freude! how delightful!;
    du redest ganz \großen Unsinn you're talking complete rubbish
    12) ( bedeutend) great;
    ein \großer Konzern/ Supermarkt/ein \großes Unternehmen a leading [or major] group/supermarket/company;
    [etwas/nichts] G\großes [something/nothing] great;
    sie hat in ihrem Leben nichts G\großes geleistet she never achieved anything great [or major] in her life, she did not achieve great things in her life;
    mit diesem Gemälde hat sie etwas G\großes geschaffen she has created something great [or profound] with this painting; s. a. klein
    13) ( laut) loud;
    was ist denn da auf der Straße für ein \großer Lärm? what's all that noise in the street?;
    wir bekamen \großen Beifall we received loud applause;
    macht doch nicht so einen \großen Lärm! don't make so much noise!
    ... der G\große... the Great;
    Friedrich der G\große Frederick the Great
    15) (besonders [gut]) big;
    im Meckern ist sie ganz \groß she's quite good at moaning;
    ich bin kein \großer Esser/ Trinker I'm not a big eater/drinker;
    ich bin kein \großer Redner I'm no [or not a] great speaker
    im G\großen und Ganzen [gesehen] on the whole, by and large; s. a. Terz, Geld, Masse
    1) (fam: besonders)
    was ist da jetzt schon \groß dabei! big deal! ( fam)
    er hat sich aber nicht gerade \groß für uns eingesetzt! he didn't exactly do very much [or put himself out much] for us!;
    was soll man da schon \groß sagen? you can't really say very much;
    ich habe mich nie \groß für Politik interessiert I've never been particularly interested in politics;
    \groß einsteigen to go in for sth in a big way;
    sie ist ganz \groß in die Politik eingestiegen she's gone into politics in a big way;
    [mit etw dat] [ganz] \groß rauskommen to have a real success [or big hit] with sth
    2) mode
    etw größer machen to let out sth sep
    \groß angelegt large-scale;
    eine \groß angelegte Offensive a full-scale offensive [or attack];
    \groß kariert mode large-checked attr
    \groß und breit ( fam) at great length;
    \groß machen ( fam) to do number two [or ( Brit) a poo] ( fam) childspeak

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > groß

  • 14 production

    1) изготовление; производство

    to cut (back) production — свертывать / сокращать производство

    to diversify production — диверсифицировать / разнообразить продукцию

    to limit production — ограничивать / сокращать производство

    to put smth into mass production — начинать серийное производство чего-л., запускать что-л. в серию

    to reduce production — свертывать / сокращать производство

    - anarchy of production
    - animal production
    - annual production
    - arms production
    - atomic power and energy production
    - automation of production
    - batch production
    - coal production
    - commercial production
    - commodity production
    - comprehensive mechanization of production
    - continuous production
    - costs of production
    - crop production
    - current production
    - curtailment ofproduction
    - cutback of production
    - cuts in production
    - daily production
    - decline in production
    - domestic production
    - drop in production
    - economically effective production
    - effectiveness of production
    - end production
    - energy production
    - fertilizer production
    - fishing production
    - flexible production
    - flow production
    - food production
    - full-scale production of the neutron bomb
    - global production
    - high production
    - high-cost production
    - highly organized production
    - highly remunerative production
    - improvement of effectiveness of production
    - improvement of production
    - individual production
    - industrial production
    - joint production
    - labor-intensive production
    - lagging industrial production
    - large-scale production
    - line production
    - machine mode of production
    - mass production
    - material production
    - means of production
    - mechanized production
    - mode of production
    - nonspecialized production
    - nonwaste production
    - per capita production
    - per head production
    - pilot production
    - planned production
    - power production
    - production advances rapidly
    - production declines
    - production decreases
    - production falls
    - production increases
    - production of consumer goods
    - production of illicit alcohol
    - production of means of production
    - production outstrips demand
    - production rises
    - profitable production
    - public production
    - rate of production
    - runaway production
    - scale of production
    - self-reliance in production
    - self-sufficiency in production
    - serial production
    - short-run production
    - small-scale production
    - social character of production
    - social production
    - sphere of material production
    - stagnant production
    - steel production
    - structure of industrial production
    - subsidiary production
    - subsistence production
    - switchover from military to civilian production
    - technical reequipment of production
    - total world production
    - unequally distributed food production
    - uninterrupted development of production
    - unprofitable production
    - war production
    - waste-free production
    - wasteful production
    - wasteless production
    - well organized production
    - world production

    Politics english-russian dictionary > production

  • 15 participar en

    1 to take part in, to have a hand in, to have a share in, to be a party to.
    Ellos comparten su pena They share in their grief.
    2 to cut in on.
    Participaron a Teo en el negocio They cut Teo in on the deal.
    * * *
    (v.) = engage in, get + involved with/in, become + (a) part of, join in, become + engaged (in/with), engage with
    Ex. In the libraries which were engaged in large-scale cataloguing co-operation was central to developments, as outlined in chapter 18.
    Ex. This article aims to cover tools that shed light on what the stakes might be in getting involved with CD-ROM technology = Este artículo intenta analizar las herramientas que nos aclaren cuáles podrían ser los riesgos de involucrarse con la tecnología del CD-ROM.
    Ex. By serving the needs of the lower socioeconomic groups, the public library is seen as becoming itself part of the process of social change rather than a passive mirror of mankind.
    Ex. Children, staff, parents, people from the neighborhood are all invited to help, visit, join in the peripheral 'sideshows,' and buy books.
    Ex. There is a strong demand for information about Asia as Australia becomes engaged with countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
    Ex. In order to overcome isolation and develop a community oriented approach, libraries will need to engage with people.
    * * *
    (v.) = engage in, get + involved with/in, become + (a) part of, join in, become + engaged (in/with), engage with

    Ex: In the libraries which were engaged in large-scale cataloguing co-operation was central to developments, as outlined in chapter 18.

    Ex: This article aims to cover tools that shed light on what the stakes might be in getting involved with CD-ROM technology = Este artículo intenta analizar las herramientas que nos aclaren cuáles podrían ser los riesgos de involucrarse con la tecnología del CD-ROM.
    Ex: By serving the needs of the lower socioeconomic groups, the public library is seen as becoming itself part of the process of social change rather than a passive mirror of mankind.
    Ex: Children, staff, parents, people from the neighborhood are all invited to help, visit, join in the peripheral 'sideshows,' and buy books.
    Ex: There is a strong demand for information about Asia as Australia becomes engaged with countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
    Ex: In order to overcome isolation and develop a community oriented approach, libraries will need to engage with people.

    Spanish-English dictionary > participar en

  • 16 great

    1. n собир. сильные мира сего

    the town is in a great toss — город сильно возбуждён;

    2. n великие писатели, классики
    3. n студ. жарг. последний экзамен на степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук

    great guy — мировой мужик, парень что надо

    4. a большой; огромный, громадный, колоссальный

    great A — прописное «А»

    5. a большой, значительный, многочисленный

    a great deal, a great many, a great number — большое количество; множество

    with a great deal of trouble — с большими неприятностями; с множеством хлопот

    6. a длинный, большой

    great many — очень многие; большое количество

    7. a долгий, продолжительный, длительный, большой
    8. a большой, сильный, глубокий, колоссальный, огромный
    9. a сильный, интенсивный, высокий, большой

    of great moment — важный; имеющий большое значение

    10. a крупный, значительный

    a man of great calibre — крупная фигура, видная личность

    11. a великий
    12. a настоящий, большой
    13. a возвышенный, благородный

    great lady — благородная дама, дама из аристократической семьи

    14. a хороший, положительный
    15. a светский

    the great world — светское общество, высший свет

    16. a пышный; внушительный
    17. a разг. замечательный, великолепный
    18. a разг. замечательный, важный, главный
    19. a разг. эмоц. -усил. большущий
    20. a разг. опытный, искусный, сильный
    21. a разг. c
    22. a разг. понимающий, разбирающийся

    to be great on history — хорошо знать историю, хорошо разбираться в истории

    23. a разг. страстно увлечённый
    24. a разг. как компонент сложных слов пра-

    great cats — львы, тигры, леопарды

    great Heavens!, great God ! — боже мой!; о господи!; видит бог!

    great Scott ! — чёрт возьми!; вот те на!

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. big (adj.) ample; big; countless; enormous; gigantic; huge; immense; numerous; spacious; vast
    2. chief (adj.) chief; grand; leading; main; principal
    3. excellent (adj.) excellent; exceptional; transcendent
    4. extreme (adj.) extreme; inordinate; prodigious
    5. important (adj.) consequential; critical; important; momentous; monumental; serious; unusual; vital; weighty
    6. large (adj.) bull; considerable; extensive; fat; healthy; husky; large; large-scale; oversize
    7. magnificent (adj.) magnificent; outstanding; superb
    8. majestic (adj.) august; dignified; elevated; exalted; heroic; lofty; majestic; noble; royal
    9. notable (adj.) admirable; notable; noteworthy; remarkable
    10. noted (adj.) celebrated; celebrious; distinguished; eminent; famed; famous; illustrious; noted; pre-eminent; prestigious; prominent; redoubtable; renowned
    11. top (adj.) blue-ribbon; capital; champion; fine; first-class; first-rate; prime; sovereign; splendid; superior; tiptop; top; topflight
    12. bravo (other) bravo; fabulous; fantastic; marvellous; spectacular
    Антонимический ряд:
    average; base; beggarly; common; contemptible; dense; diminutive; evil; few; ignoble; ignorant; inconsequential; infamous; inferior; insignificant; little; moderate; obscure; tiny

    English-Russian base dictionary > great

  • 17 heavy

    1) (having great weight; difficult to lift or carry: a heavy parcel.) pesado
    2) (having a particular weight: I wonder how heavy our little baby is.) pesado
    3) (of very great amount, force etc: heavy rain; a heavy blow; The ship capsized in the heavy seas; heavy taxes.) fuerte, abundante
    4) (doing something to a great extent: He's a heavy smoker/drinker.) empedernido
    5) (dark and dull; looking or feeling stormy: a heavy sky/atmosphere.) cargado
    6) (difficult to read, do, understand etc: Books on philosophy are too heavy for me.) pesado, denso; difícil
    7) ((of food) hard to digest: rather heavy pastry.) pesado
    8) (noisy and clumsy: heavy footsteps.) pesado
    - heaviness
    - heavy-duty
    - heavy industry
    - heavyweight
    - heavy going
    - a heavy heart
    - make heavy weather of

    heavy adj
    1. pesado
    2. fuerte / denso
    El comparativo de heavy se escribe heavier; el superlativo se escribe heaviest
    adjective (comp heavier, superl heaviest)
    1 (gen) pesado,-a
    2 (rain, blow) fuerte, pesado,-a
    3 (traffic) denso,-a
    4 (sleep) profundo,-a
    5 (crop) abundante
    6 (atmosphere) cargado,-a
    7 (loss, expenditure) grande, considerable, cuantioso,-a
    to be a heavy drinker/smoker beber/fumar mucho
    heavy industry industria pesada
    heavy water agua pesada
    heavy ['hɛvi] adj, heavier ; - est
    1) weighty: pesado
    2) dense, thick: denso, espeso, grueso
    3) burdensome: oneroso, gravoso
    4) profound: profundo
    5) sluggish: lento, tardo
    6) stout: corpulento
    7) severe: severo, duro, fuerte
    amazacotado, -a adj.
    aplomado, -a adj.
    difícil adj.
    doble adj.
    espeso, -a adj.
    grave adj.
    gravoso, -a adj.
    lento, -a adj.
    modorra adj.
    morrocotudo, -a adj.
    pesado, -a adj.
    torpe adj.

    I 'hevi
    adjective -vier, -viest
    a) ( weighty) <load/suitcase/weight> pesado; <fabric/garment> grueso, pesado; < saucepan> de fondo grueso; < boots> fuerte

    it's very heavy — es muy pesado, pesa mucho

    heavy goods vehiclevehículo m (de carga) de gran tonelaje

    heavy worktrabajo m pesado

    b) ( large-scale) (before n) <artillery/machinery> pesado
    a) ( ponderous) <tread/footstep/fall> pesado; < thud> sordo
    b) < features> tosco, poco delicado; < eyelids> caído; <sarcasm/irony> poco sutil
    a) ( oppressive) <clouds/sky> pesado

    with a heavy heart — apesadumbrado, acongojado

    b) ( loud) < sigh> profundo

    heavy breathing — ( with exertion) resoplidos mpl; ( with passion) jadeos mpl

    a) ( bigger than usual) < expenditure> cuantioso; < crop> abundante
    b) ( intense) < bookeatment> pesado, denso; < rain> fuerte; < traffic> denso; < schedule> apretado

    to be a heavy drinker/smoker — beber/fumar mucho

    he's a heavy sleeper — tiene el sueño pesado, duerme muy profundamente

    I've got a heavy cold — tengo un resfriado muy fuerte, estoy muy resfriado

    c) ( severe) <sentence/penalty> severo; < casualties> numeroso; < blow> duro, fuerte

    heavy lossesgrandes or cuantiosas pérdidas fpl

    d) ( violent) (sl) bruto


    to lie/hang/weigh heavy on somebody/something — (liter) pesar sobre alguien/algo (liter)

    count noun (pl - vies) (colloq) matón m (fam), gorila m (fam)
    1. ADJ
    (compar heavier) (superl heaviest)
    1) (=weighty) pesado

    is it heavy? — ¿pesa mucho?

    how heavy are you? — ¿cuánto pesas?

    he has his father's heavy buildtiene la misma corpulencia de su padre

    his eyes were heavy (with sleep) — los párpados le pesaban de sueño

    my arms felt so heavy — me pesaban tanto los brazos

    the mayor's heavy mob *los gorilas del alcalde

    the trees were heavy with fruit — los árboles estaban cargados de fruta

    2) (=considerable) [traffic] denso; [rain, shower] fuerte; [crop] abundante; [loss] considerable, cuantioso; [fine] fuerte; [defeat] aplastante; [irony, symbolism] enorme; [fighting, fire] intenso

    the news came as a heavy blowla noticia fue un duro golpe

    a heavy concentration of troops — una gran concentración de tropas

    heavy demand has depleted supplies — una intensa or enorme demanda ha reducido las existencias

    to be a heavy drinkerbeber mucho

    the school places heavy emphasis on languages — la escuela da mucha importancia a los idiomas

    to be heavy on sth: the car is heavy on petrol — el coche consume mucha gasolina

    he is under heavy pressure to resign — le están presionando enormemente para que dimita

    the heavy scent of honeysuckle — el intenso or fuerte olor a madreselva

    to be a heavy smokerfumar mucho

    casualty, price
    3) (=thick, solid) [cloth, coat, line] grueso; [features] tosco; [meal, food] fuerte, pesado; [soil] arcilloso; [fog, mist] espeso, denso

    heavy crude (oil)crudo m denso or pesado

    4) (=oppressive, gloomy) [atmosphere] cargado; [sky] encapotado; [burden, responsibility] pesado

    with a heavy heart — apesadumbrado, acongojado

    the air was heavy with scent — el aire estaba cargado de perfume

    5) (=deep) [sigh, sleep, silence] profundo

    heavy breather (on telephone) maníaco m telefónico

    heavy breathing (from exertion) jadeos mpl, resoplidos mpl

    his heavy breathing kept me awake — respiraba tan fuerte que no me dejaba dormir, sus jadeos no me dejaban dormir

    to be a heavy sleepertener el sueño profundo

    6) (=arduous) [task, work] pesado; [schedule] apretado
    7) (=boring, laboured) [book, film, humour] denso, pesado

    to be heavy going[book, film] ser muy denso

    his new album/book is pretty heavy stuffsu nuevo álbum es bastante fuerte

    8) (=bad)

    to have a heavy coldestar muy resfriado or acatarrado

    he had had a heavy fallhabía tenido una mala caída

    to get heavy, things got a bit heavy — (=nasty) la cosa se puso fea

    9) (=rough) [sea] grueso
    2. N
    1) * (=thug) matón * m, gorila * m
    2) * (=eminent person) peso m pesado
    3) * (=newspaper) periódico m serio
    4) (Scot) (beer) cerveza f tostada

    time hung heavy (on our hands) — las horas/los días etc se nos hacían interminables

    his son's troubles weighed heavy on his mind — los problemas de su hijo le preocupaban mucho


    heavy cream N(US) nata f para montar (Sp), nata f enriquecida

    heavy goods NPLartículos mpl pesados

    heavy guns NPL= heavy artillery

    heavy industry Nindustria f pesada

    heavy metal N — (Chem, Ind) metal m pesado; (Mus) heavy m (metal)

    heavy water N — (Phys) agua f pesada

    * * *

    I ['hevi]
    adjective -vier, -viest
    a) ( weighty) <load/suitcase/weight> pesado; <fabric/garment> grueso, pesado; < saucepan> de fondo grueso; < boots> fuerte

    it's very heavy — es muy pesado, pesa mucho

    heavy goods vehiclevehículo m (de carga) de gran tonelaje

    heavy worktrabajo m pesado

    b) ( large-scale) (before n) <artillery/machinery> pesado
    a) ( ponderous) <tread/footstep/fall> pesado; < thud> sordo
    b) < features> tosco, poco delicado; < eyelids> caído; <sarcasm/irony> poco sutil
    a) ( oppressive) <clouds/sky> pesado

    with a heavy heart — apesadumbrado, acongojado

    b) ( loud) < sigh> profundo

    heavy breathing — ( with exertion) resoplidos mpl; ( with passion) jadeos mpl

    a) ( bigger than usual) < expenditure> cuantioso; < crop> abundante
    b) ( intense) <book/treatment> pesado, denso; < rain> fuerte; < traffic> denso; < schedule> apretado

    to be a heavy drinker/smoker — beber/fumar mucho

    he's a heavy sleeper — tiene el sueño pesado, duerme muy profundamente

    I've got a heavy cold — tengo un resfriado muy fuerte, estoy muy resfriado

    c) ( severe) <sentence/penalty> severo; < casualties> numeroso; < blow> duro, fuerte

    heavy lossesgrandes or cuantiosas pérdidas fpl

    d) ( violent) (sl) bruto


    to lie/hang/weigh heavy on somebody/something — (liter) pesar sobre alguien/algo (liter)

    count noun (pl - vies) (colloq) matón m (fam), gorila m (fam)

    English-spanish dictionary > heavy

  • 18 good

    1) добро, благо, польза
    2) pl товары

    to press goods upon smbнавязывать кому-л. товар

    - balance of goods and services
    - confiscation of goods
    - consumer goods
    - consumption goods
    - day-to-day goods
    - delivery of goods
    - demand for goods
    - dry goods
    - dumped goods
    - durable goods
    - economic goods
    - essential goods
    - exchange of goods
    - exchangeable goods
    - fancy goods
    - faulty goods
    - final goods
    - finished goods
    - flow of goods
    - free goods
    - goods and services
    - goods entering international trade
    - goods in bond
    - goods in circulation
    - goods in mass demand
    - goods in process
    - goods in transit
    - half-finished goods
    - hard goods
    - high-technology goods
    - home-produced goods
    - industrial goods
    - inferior goods
    - innocent goods
    - inspection of goods
    - investment goods
    - large-scale goods
    - limited assortment of goods
    - liquid goods
    - long-lied goods
    - low-grade goods
    - low-price special goods
    - luxury goods
    - manufactured goods
    - military goods
    - nondurable goods
    - nonstrategic goods
    - overpriced goods
    - perishable goods
    - primary goods
    - production goods
    - public good
    - quality goods
    - sales of goods
    - scarce goods
    - semi-durable goods
    - semi-finished goods
    - semi-manufactured goods
    - set of goods
    - slow-going goods
    - smuggled goods
    - soft goods
    - spoiled goods
    - spot goods
    - standardized goods
    - storage of goods
    - strategic goods
    - strategical goods
    - style-and-fashion goods
    - substitute goods
    - surplus of goods and services
    - taxable goods
    - tradable goods
    - undurable goods
    - variety of goods
    - wide range of goods
    - yard goods

    Politics english-russian dictionary > good

  • 19 system

    1) система || системный
    2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс
    - adaptive control system
    - address selection system
    - addressing system
    - advice-giving system
    - AI planning system
    - AI system
    - analog computing system
    - analog-digital computing system
    - analysis information system
    - application system
    - arabic number system
    - arithmetic system
    - assembly system
    - asymmetrical system
    - atomic system
    - attached processor system
    - audio system
    - authoring system
    - automated office system
    - automatic block system
    - automatic checkout system
    - automatic control system
    - automatic search system
    - automatic test system
    - automatically programmed system
    - automatically taught system
    - autoprogrammable system
    - axiomatic system
    - backup system
    - bad system
    - bang-bang system
    - base-2 system
    - basic system
    - batch-processing system
    - binary system
    - binary-coded decimal system
    - binary-number system
    - biquinary system
    - bit-mapped system
    - bit-slice system
    - black-board expert system
    - block parity system
    - buddy system
    - business system
    - bus-oriented system
    - bussed system
    - CAD system
    - call-reply system
    - carrier system
    - cause-controlled system
    - character recognition system
    - character-reading system
    - chargeback system
    - check sum error-detecting system
    - chip-layout system
    - clock system
    - closed loop system
    - closed system
    - co-authoring system
    - code recognition system
    - code system
    - coded-decimal system
    - code-dependent system
    - code-insensitive system
    - code-sensitive system
    - code-transparent system
    - coding system
    - coincident selection system
    - cold system
    - color-coded system
    - command system
    - common-bus system
    - communication data system
    - communications-oriented system
    - complete articulated system
    - computer system
    - computer-aided design system
    - computer-aided system
    - computer-based system
    - computer-based weapon system
    - computerized system
    - computing system
    - concatenated coding system
    - concealment system
    - conservative system
    - contention system
    - continuous presence system
    - control system
    - controlled system
    - controlling system
    - coordinate system
    - cordonnier system
    - costrained vision system
    - cross system
    - crossbar switch system
    - data acquisition system
    - data collection system
    - data exchange system
    - data flow system
    - data gethering system
    - data handling system
    - data management system
    - data preparation system
    - data processing system
    - data reduction system
    - data retrieval system
    - data storage system
    - data system
    - data transmission system
    - database management system
    - database support system
    - data-managed system
    - decimal number system
    - decimal system
    - decimal numeration system
    - decision support system
    - decision-aided system
    - decision-making system
    - decision-support system
    - decision-taking system
    - decoding selection system
    - decomposable system
    - dedicated system
    - degenerate system
    - design library support system
    - design-automation system
    - design-verification system
    - development support system
    - development system
    - digital communication system
    - digital computing system
    - direct-current system
    - directly coupled system
    - discrete system
    - discrete-continuous system
    - disk operating system
    - display system
    - distributed database management system
    - distributed function system
    - distributed intelligence system
    - distributed parameter system
    - distributed system
    - distribution system
    - double intermediate tape system
    - down system
    - drafting system
    - dual system
    - dual-computer system
    - dual-processor system
    - duodecimal number system
    - duodecimal system
    - duotricenary number system
    - duotricenary system
    - duplexed computer system
    - duplex computer system
    - dyadic number system
    - dyadic system
    - dynamic mapping system
    - dynamic scene system
    - dynamic support system
    - electronic data processing system
    - electronic sorting system
    - encoding system
    - equipment adapted data system
    - erasing system
    - error-controlled system
    - error-correcting system
    - error-detecting system
    - executive file-control system
    - executive system
    - expert control system
    - expert support system
    - expert system
    - expert-planning system
    - externally pulsed system
    - fail-safe system
    - fail-soft system
    - fan-out system
    - fault-tolerant system
    - feasible system
    - federated system
    - feed system
    - feedback system
    - feedforward control system
    - fiche retrieval system
    - file control system
    - file system
    - fixed-lenght record system
    - fixed-point system
    - fixed-radix numeration system
    - floating-point system
    - fluid transport system
    - follow-up system
    - forgiving system
    - front-end system
    - fuzzy expert system
    - generic expert system
    - geographically distributed system
    - goal-seeking system
    - good system
    - graceful degradation system
    - graphic data system
    - graphics display system
    - graphics system
    - help system
    - heterogeneous system
    - hexadecimal number system
    - hexadecimal system
    - host system
    - hostless system
    - host-satellite system
    - human visual system
    - hunting system
    - hypermedia system
    - imaging system
    - incremental system
    - independent system
    - indirectly coupled system
    - information storage and retrieval system
    - information retrieval system
    - information handling system
    - information management system
    - information processing system
    - information system
    - information-feedback system
    - in-plant system
    - input/output control system
    - instruction system
    - instrumentation management system
    - integrated system
    - intelligence system
    - interactive control system
    - interactive system
    - intercommunicating system
    - interlock system
    - internal number system
    - internal system
    - Internet-enabled system
    - interrupt system
    - isolated system
    - kernel system
    - key-to-disk/tape system
    - knowledge base management system
    - knowledge system
    - knowledge-based system
    - large-scale computing system
    - laser communication system
    - layered control system
    - lexicon-driven system
    - library reference system
    - local-network system
    - long-haul system
    - lumped-parameter system
    - machine tool control system
    - machine-limited system
    - machine-oriented programming system
    - macroinstruction system
    - macro system
    - magnetic memory system
    - magnetic recording system
    - magnetic tape plotting system
    - mail message system
    - mail system
    - mailbox system
    - management information system
    - man-machine system
    - mapping system
    - map-reading system
    - mass memory system
    - mass storage system
    - master/slave system
    - matrix memory system
    - memory driver system
    - memory system
    - message handling system
    - message system
    - microcomputer system
    - microfilm printing system
    - midsplit system
    - MIMO system
    - mixed-base numbering system
    - mixed-base number system
    - mixed-radix numeration system
    - model-based expert system
    - modular system
    - monitoring system
    - monitor system
    - mosaic system
    - multicomputer system
    - multidimensional system
    - multifrequency system
    - multilevel storage system
    - multiloop system
    - multimaster communication system
    - multimicroprocessor system
    - multiple computation system
    - multiple-bus system
    - multiple-coincident magnetic storage system
    - multiple-output control system
    - multiplex system
    - multiport system
    - multiprocessing system
    - multiprocessor system
    - multiprogramming computer system
    - multiprogramming system
    - multisite system
    - multispeaker system
    - multistable system
    - multitasking operating system
    - multiterminal system
    - multiuser computer system
    - multiuser system
    - multiuser operating system
    - multivariable system
    - multivariate system
    - negative-base number representation system
    - negative-base number system
    - network operating system
    - node-replicated system
    - noncomputerized system
    - nonconsistently based number system
    - nondegenerate system
    - number representation system
    - numbering system
    - number system
    - numeral system
    - numeration system
    - numerical system
    - octal number system
    - octal system
    - office automation system
    - off-line system
    - on-demand system
    - one-level storage system
    - one-loop system
    - one-over-one address system
    - on-line system
    - open-ended system
    - open system
    - open-loop system
    - operating system
    - operational system
    - optical memory system
    - overdetermined system
    - overload-hold system
    - page-on-demand system
    - panelboard system
    - paper-tape system
    - parameter-driven expert system
    - pattern recognition system
    - peek-a-boo system
    - peripheral system
    - pipeline system
    - polled system
    - polymorphic system
    - polyphase system
    - portable system
    - positional representation system
    - Post-production system
    - priority scheduling system
    - priority system
    - procedural expert system
    - process control system
    - processor-sharing system
    - production control system
    - production system
    - program system
    - programming system
    - protection system
    - pulse system
    - pulse-or-no-pulse system
    - pulse-signal system
    - punch card computer system
    - pure-binary numeration system
    - purposeful system
    - quadruplex system
    - question-answering system
    - queueing system
    - queue system
    - radix numbering system
    - radix number system
    - reactive system
    - reading system
    - real-time expert system
    - real-time operating system
    - real-time system
    - reasoning system
    - recognition system
    - recording system
    - recovery system
    - reduntant number system
    - reduntant system
    - reflected binary number system
    - reflected binary system
    - refreshment system
    - remote-access system
    - replicating system
    - representation system
    - request-repeat system
    - rerecording system
    - residue number system
    - residue system
    - resource-sharing system
    - restorable system
    - retrieval system
    - retrieval-only system
    - robotic system
    - robot system
    - rule-based expert system
    - rule-based system
    - scalable system
    - selection system
    - self-adapting system
    - self-adjusting system
    - self-aligning system
    - self-balancing system
    - self-check system
    - self-contained system
    - self-correcting system
    - self-descriptive system
    - self-learning system
    - self-organizing system
    - self-sustained oscillation system
    - self-test system
    - sensor-based system
    - sequential scheduling system
    - sexadecimal number system
    - sexadecimal system
    - shared-files system
    - shell expert system
    - silicon-development system
    - simplex system
    - single-drive system
    - single-inheritance system
    - single-phase clock system
    - single-site system
    - single-user computer system
    - SISO system
    - skeletal expert system
    - slave system
    - soft-sectored disk system
    - software system
    - sound system
    - source code control system
    - source-destination system
    - space-division system
    - stabilizing system
    - stable system
    - stand-alone system
    - start-stop system
    - state-determined system
    - stepped start-stop system
    - stereo system
    - stochastically disturbed system
    - storage system
    - stripped-down expert system
    - subsplit system
    - supervisor control system
    - switching system
    - symbolic assembly system
    - syntactical system
    - system explanation system
    - system of logic
    - system of notation
    - system with delay
    - system with time lag
    - tabulating system
    - tape data processing system
    - tape drive system
    - tape handling system
    - tape operating system
    - tape plotting system
    - tape resident system
    - tape-oriented system
    - target system
    - taught system
    - telecommunictions system
    - telecontrol system
    - terminal system
    - ternary number system
    - ternary system
    - test system
    - testbed system
    - text-to-speech system
    - time-division system
    - time-pattern control system
    - time-shared system
    - time-shared-bus system
    - time-sharing system
    - timing system
    - total system
    - translating system
    - translation system
    - translator writing system
    - transmitting system
    - tree-structured system
    - trusted computer system
    - two-failure mode system
    - two-level return system
    - two-level system
    - two-phase clock system
    - ultrastable system
    - Unified system
    - uninterruptible power system
    - uniprocessor system
    - unrestorable system
    - unstable system
    - up system
    - variable-lenght record system
    - virtual system
    - virtual-memory operating system
    - vision system
    - visual system
    - voice/audio processing system
    - voice-response system
    - volunteer system
    - weighted number system
    - weighted system
    - writing system
    - xerox copy system
    - zero-one system

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system

  • 20 goods

    n pl
    товар, товары; изделия; груз, багаж
    - press goods upon smb.

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > goods

См. также в других словарях:

  • Demand responsive transport — or Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) or Demand Responsive Service[1] or Dial a ride or Flexible Transport Services[2] is an advanced, user oriented form of public transport characterised by flexible routing and scheduling of small/medium vehicles… …   Wikipedia

  • Large denominations of United States currency — The base currency of the United States is the U.S. dollar, and is printed on bills in denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. At one time, however, it also included five larger denominations. High denomination currency was prevalent …   Wikipedia

  • Demand sensing — is a next generation forecasting method that leverages new mathematical techniques and near real time information to create an accurate forecast of demand, based on the current realities of the supply chain. The typical performance of demand… …   Wikipedia

  • Demand leveling — is the deliberate influencing of demand itself or the demand processes to deliver a more predictable pattern of customer demand. Some of this influencing is by manipulating the product offering, some by influencing the ordering process and some… …   Wikipedia

  • Large Hadron Collider — (LHC) Anordnung der verschiedenen Beschleuniger und Detektoren des LHC Detektoren des LHC ATLAS CMS LHCb …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Demand response — This article is about the electrical concept. For the transport concept, see Demand responsive transport. A clothes dryer using a demand response switch to reduce peak demand In electricity grids, demand response (DR) is similar to dynamic demand …   Wikipedia

  • Scale model — A scale model of the Tower of London. This model can be found inside the tower …   Wikipedia

  • Demand chain — The Demand chain is that part of the value chain which drives demand. Contents 1 Concept 2 Demand chain challenges 3 Linking demand and supply chains 4 Demand chain …   Wikipedia

  • Cottage and small scale industries in Pakistan — In Pakistan cottage or household industries hold an important position in rural set up. Most villages are self sufficient in the basic necessities of life. They have their own carpenters, blacksmiths, potters, craftsmen and cotton weavers. Many… …   Wikipedia

  • 16 mm scale model trains — Much modified Mamod live steam locomotive and train on a garden railway layout A popular scale of model railway in the UK which represents narrow gauge prototypes at a scale of 16 mm:1 foot or 1:19.05.[1] The most c …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic demand (electric power) — Dynamic Demand is the name of a semi passive technology for adjusting load demands on an electrical power grid. (It is also the name of an independent not for profit organization in the UK supported by a charitable grant from the Esmée Fairbairn… …   Wikipedia

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